Archive for January, 2011

January Member Shoutouts!

Time for another round of Member Shoutouts! It’s awesome to see what’s happening in the writing lives of our FaithWriters members. High-fives to the following men and ladies for their successes and accomplishments:

LORI GODFREY, who was contacted through the FaithWriters Private Messaging System about some of her articles being used in a newsletter. WOOT!

DEBBIE ROOME, who started up a new blog about Autism and Aspergers Syndrome. AWESOME!

CHRISSY SIGGEE, whose novel, Out of the Shadows – Jenna’s Secret, will […]

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Favorite Genre to Read

I am a regular book reviewer at and have been privileged to review some awesome books lately. While I get to choose books I want to review from a list, I am always drawn to specific genres. Most recently, I reviewed a wonderful suspense/thriller (which will be posted to next month). This was the most quickly I’ve turned pages in a long time and it turned out to be one of the best books I’ve read in the past year. […]


A Great Way to Connect

If you are a FaithWriters member, the message boards are an awesome way to:

1. Connect with other Christian writers

2. Get your questions answered about your FaithWriters membership.

3. Glean from experienced and published writers.

4. Have fun!

Check out the following forums available:

NEWBIE NOOK – New to FaithWriters?  We’d love to meet you. Introduce yourself here.

THE WATER COOLER – Talk about whatever is on your mind.

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Wednesday Word of the Week: Hope, 2011

Hope, 2011

by Tony Philip Oreso

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? …….put your hope in the Lord” (Psalms 42; 5 NIV)

As I write this article, the year 2011 is just ten days old. There are still more than three hundred days left in the year. For most people, the routine is always he same: festive season in December and New Year’s resolution in January.

Since the year is still young and […]

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Worse than No Agent at All (part 2)

Worse than No Agent at All (part 2)

by Laurie Alice Eakes

Read part 1 HERE

As I mentioned earlier, my story is not unique. This type of situation has happened to numerous authors, and worse. Authors have been duped into spending thousands of dollars on editing services, on reading fees, and aledged mailings to publishers. We get excited when we get an agent, and we are willing to do anything because we hear how […]


Interview with Member, Diane Loew

FaithWriters member, Diane Loew is a good friend of mine from church. I am so excited to bring you this interview so you guys can get to know her a bit. Diane is funny, warm, genuine, an excellent writer, and a fabulous friend. So grab a cup of coffee and join me as I chat with Diane about her writing, her family, and life on a dairy farm.

LYNDA: You and your husband own a dairy farm. Tell us a little […]


In celebration of National Handwriting Day…

So apparently, January 23rd is National Handwriting Day. According to, “National Handwriting Day is an opportunity to reintroduce yourself to a pen or pencil and a piece of paper. In this day of computers, more and more information, notes, and letters are sent back and forth via a keyboard and cyberspace.”

As writers, this is a day we can all […]


New Weekly Prize for Challenge Entrants

At FaithWriters, we are always trying to come up with ways to make the site and the features we offer better and more beneficial for you guys. Deb Porter, our lovely Challenge Coordinator, just announced this week that there will now be a small token awarded to a random entrant of the Weekly Writing Challenge.

One entry each week will be chosen, completely at random and sight unseen, and the author of that entry will receive a free […]

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Wednesday Word of theWeek: The Soak Cycle…

Is Someone in Your Life on “Soak Cycle”?

by Marijo Phelps

I got a new washing machine. No more trips to the Laundromat. I had waited literally years for this moment.

The machine had many features including one called “soak cycle”. It was for those times when you had really dirty clothing, from an afternoon in the garden complete with mud and weeds. That cycle let those clothes soak with only a rare agitation. […]

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Worse than No Agent At All…

Worse than No Agent At all
by Laurie Alice Eakes

“A bad agent is worse than no agent,” an experienced published author told me. These are difficult words to accept, even to believe, when we are warned that you can scarcely get published any more without an agent. I know I rejected this well-meaning writer’s words.

And learned the hard way how right she was.

Through my personal experiences that set me back personally and professionally for […]

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