Archive for September, 2011

Member Shout-Outs!

It’s been a while since we shared exciting news from our members. So, how about today?

Ebony Murdoch had her first devotional article, Praising God in Hard Times, published by Power To Change, a Christian Women Today’s website. CONGRATS!

Patty Wysong was a runner up in the Seekerville Love Inspired Read Me! Contest for Unpublished Writers, and got a request for a partial manuscript from a Love Inspired editor. WOOWOO!!

Matthew Miller had his debut novel, Shadow of the Master, a collaboration with […]


A Tale of Two Authors


By Dorothy Love

In the spring of 1995, my first novel for young readers was published and I was invited to speak to a librarian’s conference in the midwest. Also invited: an author who was much more established and very well known. Let’s  call this author “R.W.”  I arrived at the venue early, saw that RW had also arrived and went over to introduce myself. I said that […]


Planting Writing Seeds

I don’t know about you, but I often feel tiny, especially in the writing world. Sure, some people know who I am. I’ve got “connections” here, on Facebook, and several other places. But why would someone look at a biblical fiction book I wrote if they could read one by, say, Francine Rivers? Or Jill Eileen Smith? Or Bodie Thoene? And why would an agent or editor want to take a chance on a newbie like me when they have […]


Changes at the FaithWriters blog

I’ve been your blogger for almost two months now, and I’ve enjoyed getting the posts out, and interacting with you, the readers. I love learning about you, and about the craft of writing, from your post responses. I’m loving reading your comments especially on my Thursday posts, and got quite a blessing last week when you shared your life stories in brief. And I’m learning along with you on the writing craft posts, and drawing closer to the Lord through […]


Elephants and Writing

You may (or may not) have noticed that I’ve been using Thursday’s FaithWriters Blog posts to highlight a birthday, holiday, or some sort of “special day,” and link it to writing. Well, when I checked some of my favorite sites, I found out that today, September 22, is Elephant Appreciation Day. And when I mentioned it to a friend, she got inspired, and I asked her to write a guest post for this um…special day. And she’s got another elephant […]


Insufficient? Insignificant?

By Susan Tuttle

Have you ever felt not good enough? Like God is crazy for picking you to do something? There are times where I find myself laughing at God as He’s nudging me.

“Ohhhh, good one God. I really needed that laugh.” My laughter continues until I notice He’s not laughing with me. This creates a bit of an awkward moment as I reel my laughter back in. ” Um wait. You were […]


With His (or Her) Own Eyes: POV

By Joanne Sher

One of the things I struggle with some in my writing is point of view (aka POV).  I’ve definitely gotten better (and I’ve even been told that I explain it pretty well), but it’s definitely a concept I don’t QUITE get correctly without some serious thought.

In essence, POV is the perspective from which the story is told. It’s based from whose eyes the story is seen through. Most commonly, novels […]


Member Spotlight: Meet Catrina Bradley

It’s time to meet another fun, dedicated FaithWriter member. So, how about the lovely, sweet, and silly Catrina Bradley! Heeeere’s Cat!

JOANNE: Cat, tell us a bit about yourself.

CATRINA: Acres of woods and pasture were my back yard growing up on an Iowa family farm. I think it was the hours of wandering and exploring and sitting in trees dreaming that is the root of my love of the outdoors and my preference for being alone. I had six brothers and […]


Writing What You Know

We’re often told to “write what we know.”  And there is nothing we know better than our own history.

We all have a life story – a testimony. We’ve grown, learned, failed, succeeded.

Though our “autobiography” may never be a New York Times bestseller, it is certainly worthy of hearing (and who knows? It could be a New York Times bestseller – or inspire us or someone else to write something else to God’s glory!). It’s God’s story through us.

So, don’t be […]


It’s A Mystery

Not all of us write mysteries, cozy or “not-so-cozy.” Still, whenever we write, a great way to keep our readers interested is to keep some things hidden. If the reader knows and/or can predict the ending of your story (or even your non-fiction piece) they might feel robbed.

Now, I’m not saying folks don’t read a good book over and over. But if you want to grab them at the get-go, mystery will keep them turning the pages, or reading on […]

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