Archive for December, 2018

Meet 2018 Page Turner Non-Fiction Runner-Up Lori Othouse

See the interview with Page Turner Champion Debbie Roome here, and fiction runner-up Annette Griffin here.

Lori Othouse has been around FaithWriters, off and on, for more than a dozen years, entering the Writing Challenge, posting in regular articles, and more. And now, her non-fiction manuscript, Grace to Remain, has been named the non-fiction runner up in the 2018 Page Turner contest. Read on to learn more about Lori, her book in process, her love for Faithwriters, and more!

JOANNE SHER: First […]

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Meet 2018 Page Turner Fiction Runner-Up Annette Marie Griffin!

See the interview with Page Turner Champion Debbie Roome here.

Annette Marie Griffin ( has been writing for most of her life, and is beginning to see publishing success. And now, her allegorical novel, The Crevice, has been named the Fiction runner-up in FaithWriters’ 2018 Page Turner Contest. Read on to learn more about Annette’s novel, her writing and reading joys, and more!

JOANNE SHER: First of all, congratulations on being the fiction runner up in the Page Turner contest! Can you […]

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Meet Page Turner Champion Debbie Roome!

Debbie Roome is no stranger to FaithWriters, or being recognized for her writing, Not only has she placed several times in Best of the Best Writing Challenge contest, but she has also been on the winners list for FaithWriters’ premiere contest, the Page Turner First Chapter Contest. And this year, she is at the top of that list! Read on to learn more about Debbie’s lengthy publishing credits, her winning entry, and more!

JOANNE SHER: First of all, congratulations on your […]

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Congratulations to 2018’s Page Turner Winners!

After almost 12 months of excitement and nail-biting suspense, it is time to announce the winners of the twelfth annual of Fresh Air Press Page Turner Contest.

The 2018 Page Turner Writing Contest, for fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, began in early January. The competition was open to all members of the FaithWriters Platinum 500. 

Entries comprised a book proposal, outlining the planned work overall, together with the first chapter of the manuscript. Judging was based on how well each entry […]

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