Archive for March, 2014

Fall Back in Love With Writing

Fall Back in Love With Writing

By Edie Melson

Between deadlines, edits and rejections it’s easy to fall out of love with our writing. It can get so bad that we begin to dread sitting down at the keyboard.

When that happens to me my mind begins to reprioritize my life. I can suddenly find a million things more important than putting my rear end in the chair and pounding out words. When I begin arguing with myself, stating that clean […]

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First Quarter 2014 Writing Challenge Cash Winners

The FaithWriters’ Writing Challenge is on a break right now, with the last winners of the “End” quarter announced just last week. And that means it’s time to announce the four winners of the quarterly level awards. The highest scoring entry in EACH LEVEL over each entire ten-week quarter receives a $50 cash prize.

And our winners for the first quarter of 2014 are:

 Level 1: Beginners: Wrapped in Communion by Linda Buskirk (End Times Challenge)
Level 2: Intermediate: Tan Lines by Toni […]

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An Excellent Description

An Excellent Description
by Suzanne Hartmann

Several months ago, while reading the selection of the month for a book club, I came across the following description of how it felt to a child in the 1940s to drink a soda for the first time.

I read the sentence several more times just to enjoy the visual effects. The only word that came to mind was, “Wow!” The words are fanciful, yet an accurate description of the sensation. I have to admit that this […]


Set Apart Church – New Blogging Contest

FaithWriters’ newest blogging contest is now under way – don’t miss your opportunity to help promote a Christian ministry, improve your writing skills, and maybe even win paid writing assignments!

The newest contest promotes Set Apart Church, an online non-denominational church meant to serve those who are unable to attend a local church for whatever reason. It includes weekly sermons, devotionals, and a place to share prayer requests. This is a relatively new ministry which we at FaithWriters hope to help. […]

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Dealing With Overwhelm

Dealing with Overwhelm
By Randy Ingermanson

Once in a while life feels overwhelming. It feels like everything is crashing in on you at once.

Like you’re spinning your wheels. Going nowhere.

I learned a neat trick a few years ago from Eben Pagan on how to deal with this. Eben teaches productivity techniques, and he’s good at it.

Today, I desperately needed Eben’s trick. When I logged onto my computer this morning, it told me that my external hard drive (the one that contains all […]

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Congratulations to the blog contest winners!

The latest blog contest closed to submissions less than two weeks ago, and now we are excited to announce our winners!

This time, the contest was meant to promote FaithWriters’ partnership with Xulon Press, one of the largest Christian self-publishers.  FWers were to write an article about the various benefits of the partnership, including the second testimony book, and two giveaways of Xulon Bestseller Packages to Platinum members.

Out of the handful of entries, two of […]

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How Dense Can Ya Get? (Story Structure and Timing)

How Dense Can Ya Get?
By Linda Yezak

Your bad guy hides behind Prada and a smooth personality. His car has leather seats. He whips out his Platinum card with the carelessness of one who doesn’t have to worry how much he charges to it.

And he has captured your Main Character’s eye.

She has a choice between the flashy guy who “knows how to treat a woman” and a plain ol’ blue-jeans clad country boy whose actions can be misinterpreted to put him […]


Great Reads from Some FaithWriters Members!

If you are looking for some inspiring stories, whether fiction and nonfiction, FaithWriters is the place to look – especially this week. Two new publications became available in just the past few days, and you will definitely want to check them out.

First, the highly anticipated book of forty FaithWriters members’ testimonies, Trials and Triumphs, is now available – and, for a limited time, it is FREE as an ebook! Check out these inspiring stories of FW members’ salvation testimonies, as […]

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