Archive for September, 2012

Member Shout-Outs for September

Congratulations to the following FWers for their writing sucesses!

PETER STONE has published his teen/YA Christian epic fantasy, A Knight from Dein, on Kindle.

JOANNE PRIETO has published her first book – Christian Stepordville, The Hijacking of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – book one, Fire and Ice.

LAURIE GLASS had an article, “A Companion on the Journey – How the Church Can Help Those with Eating Disorders” in a recent issue of EFCA Today.

ANGELIKA DEFRANCESCO has a story published in the OakTara […]

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Dying for Water winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the “Dying for Water” writing/blogging contest! First place receives two writing assignments, worth $75 each, from our ministry sponsor, second place one writing assignment, and third place $25 and being added to the ministry’s approved writer list.

Folks from the Water4 Foundation read through more than two dozen entries and have chosen their favorites – thanks to ALL who participated!

And the winners (and their winning entries) are below 🙂



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Woe Unto Thee, Writers Three!

I thought this poem, which I’m sure most of us can relate to, would be fun for this Monday morning.

Woe Unto Thee, Writers Three!
By Caitlynn Lowe

Woe unto thee,
You writers three,
With blocks lodged in your minds.
Your hands–they shake–
No thoughts awake,
As inspiration you cannot find.

You toss and turn,
Your heart does churn,
And each of you loses sleep.
Creativity runs dry,
Tears well in your eyes,
Yet your pen will not utter a peep.

Then one morning
Without any warning
Your number reduces to two.
A dream has inspired–
In the dreaded […]

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What FaithWriters is Seeking First

FaithWriters has always been, and always will be, about helping Christian writers. The Writing Challenge, message boards, annual conference, blogging contests, and more all serve FaithWriters’ members to help them improve their craft.

But it is not the only focus of this site, nor, I imagine you agree, should it be.

FaithWriters has adopted Matthew 6:33 as our site verse.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

We at FaithWriters encourage […]


Writing Challenge and Ebook Store News

A couple fairly big changes are happening at FaithWriters – changes that will help ALL members improve their writing and get it out to a wider audience.


First, the Writing Challenge, one of the most loved aspects of FaithWriters. Currently, only paying members of FaithWriters (gold and platinum members) are able to enter the challenge. Well, no more. Starting with the next challenge quarter, which begins October 4, Silver members will be able to enter the first topic of each […]

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What Is Theme?

What is Theme?
By Gail Gaymer Martin

One of the most difficult terms to define is theme. While sometimes called the lesson, moral or main idea behind the story, theme is really more than that. A parable has a lesson and a fable has a moral which is obvious to the listener or reader, but theme serves more as a profound portrayal of the human condition.

Theme weaves through the plot, setting, and characters in a translucent thread […]


If Not A Writer, Then What?

A writer, they say, is someone who writes. Which means that YOU (yes, you!) are a writer. Stop denying it – okay??

But not all of us make a living with our writing – or even make MONEY writing at all.

I earn a bit from my writing (and a bit more from editing), but it’s certainly not paying all our bills. And I’m guessing most of you are the same.

But still, when someone asks me what work I do, I tell […]


Just Seven Weeks to Page Turner Deadline!

Do you have a non-fiction manuscript in your actual or virtual desk drawer, just waiting to see the light of day? Have a super idea for a self-help book, a memoir, or other non-fiction manuscript?

Have we got the contest for you!

Seven weeks from today, entries will close in the sixth annual Page Turner contest – a first chapter contest sponsored by FaithWriters, Finesse Writing and Editing Service, and Breath of Fresh Air Press. This year, the contest is for non-fiction […]

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Historical Research – Lesser Known Sources

Multipublished award winning Christian historical author Sarah Sundin has agreed to do a series of posts on historical research. She will be here once a month for three months. Her first post is here. I hope this one also blesses you, and that you’ll look for the third one in October.

Historical Research – Lesser Known Sources

By Sarah Sundin

Dead end. When researching historical fiction, nothing is more frustrating. You’ve read every book you can find, scoured […]


Just Google It

Internet searches have become one of the most popular ways to do research (false internet information notwithstanding) – whether it’s for your historical fiction, a newspaper article, or one of the FaithWriters blogging contests. And it’s not just for THAT kind of research.

Have you ever googled yourself to see where you show up? If one of your free reprints has be reused? You can even set up a google alert to let you know when your name, or any other […]

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