Archive for March, 2011

Patience, Challenge Entrants…

Getting the shakes? Breaking out in night sweats? Are your fingers starting to twitch? If you’re a regular Weekly Writing Challenge entrant, you may be experiencing some serious withdrawal symptoms.

The Writing Challenge runs in four 10-week increments per year. After each quarter, there is typically a short break to give the judges a reprieve and to gear up for the next quarter. The “Time” topics ended a couple weeks ago, so we are in the middle of a hiatus.

The […]

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Wednesday Word: The Race You Face

We’re following in the “footsteps” of last week’s devotional, Running with Purpose. This week, Debbie Engle shares another “running” reflection about the race we face. Good stuff!

The Race You Face

by Deborah Engle

Being a person who always strives to do my best, I still have to admit, I rarely come in first place. I’ve done some pretty nice artwork, and I’ve written a few interesting stories, but I’ve never been able to claim that […]

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Writing for Anthologies


Author Terri Tiffany has had numerous stories and articles published in antholgies, including several Chicken Soup for the Soul editions. Here, she offers a few tips on how to increase the odds of getting published in this highly competitive market.

“Write tight.”  This means making every word count. Go over each sentence and chop every word you can without ruining the flow or meaning. Simplify your piece. An anthology is not the place for flowery prose or padded description. Tell your […]


Interview with Member, Cindee Snider Re

Today’s interview is with Cindee Snider Re, a wife and homeschooling mom from Wisconsin. Cindee is a Platinum 500 member and has many Free Reprints posted on You may remember her as the author of a couple devotionals posted on this blog for the Wednesday Word of the Week. Join me in getting to know Cindee a little better.


LYNDA: Tell us a little about yourself and your family. 

CINDEE: I’m the wife of a wonderful, compassionate man who absolutely loves food and […]


Timing is Everything

Last week we talked about where we write. This week, I’m wondering when you write. When is your creativity in full force? Do you rise before the crack of dawn and pound out a couple thousand words? Do you need to move around for a couple hours and have a pot of coffee in your system before you sit down at the keyboard? Or are you a night owl, staying up well after the kids go to bed?

Me? I’m […]


Get feedback on your work

One of the purposes of FaithWriters is to offer members a chance to showcase their work. And one of the most fun aspects of posting your work is to receive feedback from other members. There’s nothing quite like seeing that email come through saying a comment has been left on your article.

But maybe you’ve posted your article, story, poem, or essay and several days have gone by with no comments. Maybe you’re getting discouraged because you really want to learn what […]


Wednesday Word: Running with Purpose


Running with Purpose
by Jenny Litfin 

There are runners, like Forrest Gump, who seem to find intense joy in simply the act of constant running.

I am not one of those runners. Sure, I used to be one of those crazy runners who loved the feeling of sore muscles. The more my body ached after a work-out, the better I felt. No, I did not love pain. I loved winning, and I knew that if I trained hard enough, […]


Beware of the Weasel Words

Weasel Words

by Megan DiMaria

Weasel words are words that somehow manage to weasel themselves into our writing, but are passive, weak words, and generally lazy writing.

Most authors must learn to eliminate weasel words from their writing. It’s not as easy as it sounds, and many writers choose to do a search and replace once their book/article is finished.

According to Wikipedia, the expression weasel word derives from the egg-eating habits of weasels. An egg that a […]


A book about persecuted Christians by member, Carl Sterling Parnell

Dr. Carl Sterling Parnell, a Christian educator, author, and columnist, has completed his second book, which is in an Adobe pdf, eBook format. It is entitled A Brewing Pot of Christian Persecution: America’s Postmodern Anti-Christian Crusade. It was written to prove that Christian persecution does exist in America. It can be purchased for $5.00 from the FAITHWRITERS EBOOK STORE.  His articles may also be read on his FAITHWRITERS PROFILE.

A Brewing Pot of Christian Persecution: America’s Postmodern Anti-Christian Crusade exposes the tactics that […]

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Location, location, location!

Here is a picture of me in my “office.” Honestly, I do most of my work right from the comfort of my recliner. Oh, the perks of being a writer!

Question for you: Where do you do your writing?

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