Archive for August, 2013

Ancient Words

There are a lot of excellent books out there to help you grow in your Christian walk. I’m a big fan of Max Lucado, for instance, and we were just talking in Sunday School about Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages, and the incredible devotional My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers (which I worked my way through last year). And I’m even trying to write a couple books that I pray will help bring someone to, or closer […]


The Golden Rule of Fiction

The Golden Rule of Fiction

By Randy Ingermanson

About twenty years ago, I was accepted into a small mentoring group led by Sol Stein, a famous novelist, playwright, publisher, and writing teacher. It was a great group and I enjoyed hanging out with so many talented novelists.

Sol had a recent book out, THE BEST REVENGE, and most of us in the group bought a copy. Sol, knowing that I’m a physicist, autographed mine as follows: “Physics = facts; Fiction = […]

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Writing Lessons on the FaithWriters Forums

Did you know that there are over seven dozen writing lessons on the FaithWriters forums, taught by a FaithWriters regular, former teacher,  professiona editor, and multiple challenge winner? Have you checked them out?

Jan Ackerson, arguably one of the best and most helpful FaithWriters regulars, started up a place on the message boards called “Jan’s Writing Basics” several years ago. After a bit of time away, she’s resurrecting the forum, and posting new lessons. With topics ranging from dialogue to symbolism […]

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