The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Double surprise twist. Nicely done.
Very nice ending. Good example of the proverb, and very good writing.
I had a feeling those guys would turn out to be his friends, but didn't expect the girls to be hers. Great last lines.
Excellent story. Sadly, it's very realistic for today's culture. Great ending pointing out that judgmentalism is often two-sided. I liked the title, too.
Great ending - both characters had friends that made them look bad. I did not expect that.
I, too, like the double twist.
What I'm trying to figure out, though, is where Audrey's friends went, as they had already left the coffee shop, but were not outside to meet her, where they would have encountered her as she fled the assailants. Were they both early, her friends visiting some other establishment before returning to meet Audrey, who had had time for a cup of coffee and chat with Jason?
Sorry--It's probably just the word count, and someone who has read too many mysteries in her life. :-)
Wow, you got me! I didn't see it coming at all.
Could be because I enjoy romance, so I was all caught up in their meeting. I assumed her friends went to look for her.
Too bad they didn't hook up and not hang out with their rude friends.
Great story. Loved it.
A double twist. I was wondering if you were going to hit on the topic, but then you tied it up nice at the end. Now if your MCs went to A&M they wouldn't have had that problem )
Another great job, Mrs. Hester. God bless.
Double whammy! Sneaky, very sneaky.. but so good!
Wonderful! You drew me right in to the story and really nailed the topic...twice!
Excellent, Kristen, and what I appreciate most is that you stepped out of your comfort zone and wrote a change-of-pace story. And you did a fantastic job of it, too. Time to stretch a little farther, perhaps?
Double nice!! I felt her fear and then her connection, and finally her surprise. Super.
Wow, Kristen, I love the *two* surprises at the end. You did a great job with this. The writing is wonderful.
How embarrassing -for both! You set this up well, saving the double whammy for the end. Nice job.
I loved your double whammy at the end! This was great and I enjoyed avery word of it.
Love the double twist! Extremely well-done. Great characterization, as usual.
Great dialog in this wonderfully woven tale of twists and spills. You've written this creative piece very well.
I didn't expect that ending, either! Good job with the characters and the plot twists.
You did a great job with the suspense as she was approached by the bad guys, then the contrast of a safe haven haven with Jason, and finally the double whammy at the end. Could you fix it in another story that they leave their sorry friends and make a friendship of their own?
The juxtapostion of the two sides was very well done, in fact I could see how easiy one can be swayed both by one's friends or how they behave.
Oh Kristen, way to play with our minds! Very good story. Excellent writing, as always:)
Didn't see the delicious twist coming, it's a good thing we get smarter as we age,,,,keep up the good words.
I reallly loved this story.....saw the friends coming with her, but not him. I thought your last line was not necessary as it was obvious they would not want to connect with each other anymore. You had me from beginning to end in this story.
Wow, you got me! I didn;t see either twist coming. I kept waiting for Jason to take her outside and make a fast move on her.As usual, great writing, Krsiten. Keep stretching, girl!
Aha, a double twist. Wow, bet she didn't see that one coming! lol. You do well with this first-look meeting and how they seem to connect so well until they realize they have practically zilch in common. Nice job-this is one of my favorites for this week! ^_^
FANTASTIC! You could turn this into a book!!
This was a REALLY great piece. The double nailing of the topic was something only a masterful writer could do. Just brilliant on so many levels.
Congrats, Kristen, for writing the best double twister endings of the week and not only taking a stretch and a chance, but doing it masterfully as well. God bless.