The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a creative idea. A great analog! This story really carried me along to its satisfying conclusion.
What a creative way to show our sins disappearing, covered with the blood of Christ. It would be embarrassing to have our sins written for all to see. Very thought provoking!
Blown away by this creative and SPIRITUAL article! Wow. This is a tremendous story and one of the best I've ever read. Every Christian would have a beautiful, clear mind picture of Christ's saving grace if they could read this story. I'll never forget this!
This is a wonderful story. Great job.
Very creative!
Call me a prophetess if you like .... A CONTENDER INDEED! Such creativity. I'd love to spend a day inside your head... just to see the thought patterns as they emerge. Permanent Winner!!!
Amazing. The idea is amazing, the writing is amazing, the characterization is amazing. Wow.
That was excellent! A creative way of getting an important message across. It made me wonder what tattoo might appear on my arm!
What an incredible approach. I love allegories and this is a great one. I agree with the remarks before me.
This one is really great! Extremely creative AND inspiring!
Wow! This is truly a Masterful piece of writing! I love allegories, and this one is so perfectly told and shares such an important truth! Wow, again! Thank you for this thought-provoking story! :)
Ouch - made me feel quite uncomfortable as I wondered what would my marks would be. And what a great analogy. This deserves to do really well.
I enjoyed this very much. I only wish the final dousing that did away with all the marks was as painless as portrayed in the story. This is thought-provoking and well-written!
I would personally like to know how you would have improved this. I've just stared at my curser for minutes trying to come up with words to describe. As a reader it was beyond...
As a writer I'm beyond...
You're still my hero, Jan. God bless.
I'm speechless, in a good way. This is remarkable. What a novel idea.
I don't know how you could improve either. As a writer, you are top notch. There are so many levels and lessons to this. Bravo. It's great! For embarrassing it's so much deeper than a slipping on a banana peel story (No offense if anyone had one of those...I'm sure it's great!)
Having read your articles weekly, I can see how you'd want to change about 25% of the sentences (structure, flow). The writing is still very, very good. The allegory is powerful. Finding out what you were doing midway through just made me pause and marvel at the terrific concept.
Very profound, good thing we have a loving Creator with a very big eraser.
Very creative. I never pictured my sins visibly written on my body. (I don't think I have enough body to handle all of them.)

I loved the image of our stains being written all over Christ. The knowledge that Jesus took all of my sins upon Himself became so much clearer with the visual this story supplies.

Wonderful job.
Wow! I loved the personalities you gave the people, especially the last One. Creative and carried a lesson/reminder too!
I loved this story. I think I will put this one into my favorites. Great idea for even sharing it for a Sunday school idea ...I just had a horrid thought... someone playing a trick on their sibling and writing what they had lied about while they were sleeping.. maybe not for kids but GREAT story! I loved it...
Ditto all of the compliments above. I'm still marveling at the creativity of this piece. The Lord certainly is using your gifts.
Oh wow. This takes 'creative' to a new level for me! What a neat idea, I loved this! The title fits nicely too. My favorite was the end with the bucket of water-too funny. ^_^
Love this! The idea is so creative, the writing spirit-filled. Great job!!!
I absolutely love this. Your story has made me grateful all over again for my Savior. Thank you.
Very creative and enjoyable read! ^_^ I don't think I've ever read a piece that you've written that I haven't liked. ^_^
What can I say that hasn't been said? Expertly crafted, wonderfully creative (as ALWAYS) and a message to boot. Who can ask for more?
Very creative spin on a timeless truth. Great job!
Incredibly creative! The title is awesome! I would have liked a bit more at the finish, explaining the man with the lilt in his step, for though we as Christians know what is represented by your story, a non-believer may miss the best part (And that may be just my thinking). But still a superb job. I enjoyed it. Blessings, Cheri
Wowza! I simply loved it! With humor and originallty you bring it all to the table hon! I know for a fact that all of us can learn from this piece! Write on! I'm just sitting here in amazement how the Spirit of God is greatly poured out in various ways through His people. You are definately one of them. Thank you. This was a refreshing read. Janice
Well written piece. I, too, would have liked to see the ending fleshed out a little more and the spiritual application made a little clearer. Otherwise, a good job!
This absolutely needs to be expanded into a novel!