The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1630 times
Member Comments
Not warm and fuzzy, but a highly thought-provoking, somewhat uncomfortable piece. Brings to mind strongly the parable of the prodigal son. Highlights so well the tension we live in between legalism and grace. I wasn't quite sure of the significance of the prison warder not telling his wife about this prisoner; unless she was hotter on grace? A good read.
Whoops, that was meant to be from me. Forgot to change the login. Sorry!
This is a very disturbing piece...disturbing because it confronts the pharisee in times we can be so far down the road of this attitude that we actually become blind to it, and then one confronting moment shocks us that it was even there, shocks us that it was so easy to succumb to its tentacles. But thanks be to God...
Expertly crafted and deeply engaging. A unique, and poignant, look at the topic, and a condemnation of the pharisees of this world - me included!
Beautifully written and characterized--you're brilliantly creative.
Nice! The Christian was led to understanding by the "thief on the cross". I could feel the hatred and contempt in the warden. A wonderful lesson on the brotherhood in Christ of ALL believers.
"I can't be connected to him in that way." You really showed the self-pride that creeps upon us and blinds us. This is very creative.
WOW! This is an amazing story.
It's a creative take on the topic, but a very good one in my opinion.
Extremely creative. Characterization wonderful. Thought provoking yet very moving at the same time. Great work!

The MC makes me boiling mad, but I think that was your point. Well done! You drew us into the story and challenged our religion in one swoop. Nice. :)
Powerful way to deliver the meaning of why Christ came down to earth. Very believable characters (both of them!)
This is a memorable piece. It gives me pause and makes me think. Very good characterization of your MC. Two thumbs up.
Wow. This is really good. I live in a prison town and so this really hit home with me. So believable. So real. Bravo!
Heart-wrenching. Excellent writing. :)
This is really good! What a wonderfully creative take on the topic and so thought provoking. You spoke to my heart, and confirmed something the Lord spoke to me just this morning about accepting someone right where they are, just as Christ does me.
So painful, touching, and convicting to read. Excellent writing!
Congratulations on your EC. This is very creative for the topic...and such an awesome illustration. Wow.
Interesting and uncomfortable, meaningful, profound and extremely creative! Congrats on the nod from the judges.. well deserved!
Congratulations! Your creativity really came through with this unique approach to the topic. Well done.
This is sooo good Lisa... congrats!!
Wow! I love this angle and your dialogue and inner thoughts were realistic.
“But why are you so Old Testament? What about redemption—grace?”
“You can’t demand them. You earn them by—” My words amplify into a roar.
Oh, Lord. Tell me I didn’t just say that. Tell me I’m not like a Pharisee.
Instead, my Savior tells me I am bound.

I am bound to Inmate #071834 through Christ Jesus, God incarnate. Who came to redeem all sinners.
Whose birth we are celebrating this season.
There is no severing this tie.
This sure slapped me up side of my head as I have probably judged others too, we have probably all been guilty of this one time or another. Lord give us your mercy and compassion and live through us. So insightful! Great job hon! :0) Congrats!!
I don't know how you could have done this well with such a short title!

(Inside joke, folks.)

Seriously, this was great. Well deserved EC.
Challenging article that reminds us to remember God's grace applies to everyone, even if we 'think' they don't deserve it. (None of us deserve it!)