The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1723 times
Member Comments
This is hilarious...what a fun read - this one's a keeper to pull out from time to time for a good chuckle.
Great stuff!
Too Cute. This stanza reminded me of a mistake my mother once made that made Christmas dinner rather interesting:
"The chicken that took hours to fry
Was tough as some old men.
Then I reread the label and
Found out it was a hen."
Good work.
Very fun! LOL. I can totally see this published.
Very sweet. Nice example of the topic.
Very cute. I identified with a lot of this as I knew nothing about cooking as a young bride. God bless the kind and patient husbands. Good work.
Oh so funny, and oh so true! I think we all have examples like this one in our early cooking days. It sparkles with fun and right on topic.
Cute poem. Loved the irony.
Delightful - love the voice of this. I think my favorite stanza is the second-to-last, but they were all great. Creative and clever.
This is so fun! My honey wanted meals, too. You captured being a bride perfectly!! Especially one that doesn't know how to cook!! (I know from experience! LoL)
Very sweet poem, and you worked out the rhythm really well.
Cute poem. There's lots of truth in it, too.
I love the last line. Kudos.
This is so much fun. Enjoyed the oatmeal you could slice and the lake of briny tears. :) You've written this perfectly (rhyme and meter)... with an inspirational ending. I love this.
Funny story poem! I liked the verse about the tears shed that would have made a briny lake. that tied the toopic in well!
Fun, fun, fun! I love it.
So much fun here, so clever, thanks for the joy.
So cute and fun. I love the lake of brine. Excellent!
Excellent writing! So much fun! And I can sooo relate!
This is a keeper and is sure to be a delight for many for years to come. I can see it as the intro to the new bride's cookbook. :)
Oh teary bride do not be sad
Your tale doth make us very glad

If your sweetie says your cooking kills,
Just say WE think your writing thrills.

Oh what a hoot this was Verna, so much fun. No wonder you have Prov 17;22 as your tag.
Don't know much about poems or cooking, but this read great to me. Excellent lines. God bless.
This poem was a delight to read and took me back to my days as a bride. Too funny and oh so true! Well done!
A delightful and fun read!
Verna, this is precious, from the title, through the hilarious examples, to the lovely bit at the end which satisfies both the topic and the reader. Love it!
Absolutely loved this and was pretty sure I knew who wrote it. Great job. This is a winner.
LOL! I liked your title and how true it is to find yourself with nothing to cook...and some fairly interesting, though disastrous results! I loved the line with the chicken turning out to be a hen that was tough as some old men. That was cute! ^_^