The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
heh heh - I thought this was a great piece with all too familiar truth. Our girls are in their teens now, but I sure remember thinking that somehow,on some days we literally skipped hours.
Faulty clocks????
I'm active with the Mothers of Preschoolers ministry and I can just hear all the tired moms saying amen. We want to exercise in the worst way and yet our daily work outs get in the way. You portrayed that perfectly. Thank you for an entertaining read!
I really liked this. I don't think she really needed a workout anyway -- her life is a workout. Great job.
Okay, while this was classic and great. I just knew you were going to end it with her saying to his, "want to watch a comedy," "HA, there's already one in there!"

I think you could almost put this up and let people add their own endings. What fun! How real!! You could make you're own Mommy exercise video . . . if you could find the time!!! LOL

This made my day!
I loved this! Good writing, fun read and all of the above.
Hehe Too cute. I don't think you need a workout video. You've got your own workout built right in!
Boy, I wonder why you captured this so well?!? Good job! I'm still snickering...
After reading this, there is no need for me to exercise. I felt like I exercised right along with you. Fast paced, very realistic to the "Mom Life."

You made me smile all the way through. Even found myself catching my breath at the
Hehe, great story. Yup, I think mom's get a way better workout than any video can give! LOL!
So clever, fun, AND accurate! Love the quick pace of this - wonderful!
Awfully clever, and delightfully written. I love it!
Yes, I remember those days! Great job with all the details -the lost phone, poopie diaper, etc. I wonder how many postcards got returned!
I had to LOL on this one. Sounds so familiar! I can't tell you how many of those videos I've got under my bed. A working mom's life is a workout in itself. Thanks for sharing!
Great read and very entertaining. You were worked out alright. Wasted money on the DVD. Splendid writing.
This took me back, way back. Who could ever forget the days with our little ones! Those times live in our hearts forever. Thanks for such a delightful rendering of busy motherhood!
LOL! This was cute and a perfect portrayal of what some VERY busy moms go through 365 days a year! I loved the ending with the 'horror movie' ^_^
I LOVE the last paragraph. It makes this piece. You reminded us of what a full plate a mom really has. Well done.
So well done and surely tradiional "exercise" is all really done in the mind anyway - : )
Oh so real!! I am here now (well not quite to the school age stage yet) but I so can relate to this! Great Job!!!