The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1804 times
Member Comments
This was interesting, entertaining and I learned something new! You have an engaging style of writing that I could read way into the night.....:)
I loved the magic line about chocolate, how funny. This was great, the whole piece. Great characters here, solid writing.
What fun! Chocolate fixes everything, doesn't it? This is very creative and well written, too.
Fun story! I've heard of this game and thought it sounded fun.
Very entertaining and informing.
It wasn't really clear if it was snowing at the time and hard to see, or why they didn't follow their footprints back to the car.
I also liked the comment on chocolate fixing everything and the dialogue was well done.
A very creative piece of writing. I had never heard of a geocache before, but you made an interesting story out of it with a bit of humour too.
I've been there! Why do men see obvious obstacles like snow as challenges? We also did one geocache through unfamiliar woods in the dark (following reflectors with a flashlight!) You did a great job of telling this story through conversation.
Well told and very interesting. Learning something new added interest to the story. I really enjoyed the humor throughout. “Chocolate. He had said the magic word…” “Uh-oh? Did you just say 'Uh-oh?'” “I slowly released my death grip on his coat.” I liked this a lot!
I enjoyed the dialogue throughout - it told the story in a very engaging way.
Creative and unique. I love the personality of your narrator, and the interplay between your characters.
I can't believe Stephen gave up! I'll wager he wanted to go back the next day! You certainly held my attention.
Cute! I also identified with the chocolate line, and giggled at the calmness of the final response, "Duly noted." Well done.
Great read! Very unique. Kept my attention all the way. Great job.
I liked this! Very easy and hilarious to read. I like the line with chocolate being the magic word. The touch of a cemetary was unexpected and added a slight element of mystery. I loved the descriptions and dialouge. Emily is a wonderful character. Great writing! ^_^
Funny and informative. Is it no wonder our ancestors were in such good shape with no such modern devices to cut down on their traipsing? On the other hand, maybe the GPS devices could be marketed as exercise tool.