The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1835 times
Member Comments
Maybe a hearing aid for Christmas? Enjoyed the humor.
A hearing aid might be under the tree for ya...(hehe)
I nearly, well yyou know... i don't think I can say it in public...
Funny, hilarious, haha!
Loved it!
If I can keep a straight face, I'll read it to the family.
What a RIOT - and what fun this must have been to write! Definitely unique, I'd wager. Truly enjoyed this read!
What a riot, and a common occurance in my household with my (lack of) hearing and all. Loved the last paragraph, especially "And He couldn’t make them gods, but He could make Himself a person."
This was clever, fun, and just hit me that it sounds like conversations between my hubby and I lately.. and there is NO way he'd ever get a hearing aid..! Loved it.. thanks for making my day.. :)
Yeah...I agree...this is the kind of conversation I have with my hubby, only it's because I sound like Charlie Brown's teacher to him: waa...waa...waa.waa...waa. Very clever, Jan!
Fun, creative, and a great angle.
Unsure about it overall, but liked the creativity a great deal.
As usual, you have "play on words" down to a fine art. I love the voice.
This was such a blast to read. Betting you had a blast writing it too. Very fun, very unique take on the topic - Again, I truly enjoyed the read. Thanks! :)
Too much fun! Wouldn't it be fun to script this for radio? On second thought, everyone would get into a car wreck from laughing so much:-)
Awesome writing! So funny and real.
Unique, unique, unique, and SO entertaining. Loved this!
This is so funny. I'd love to see it done as a skit at church. You're still the queen of creativity!
Simply brilliant! And the judges won't have been yawning their way through it that's for sure. To me the cleverest thing was not the plays on words, though you sure did a fantastic job on that. It was that you didn't change the voice and go all religious in the last paragraph. Stunning!
This is very good.
Thanks, Jan.
Fun!!! I don't know how "on topic" it is, but it's definitely a hoot. Love the ACTUAL explanation for reason for the season, especially how God couldn't make people gods, but He could become a person. Very logical!
I liked the creative dialect. Very fun entry!
You definitely found a creative slant for the topic! I really like the final much truth without preachiness. Two thumbs up!
This is too funny, oh dear, the reason for the breezin'. Jan, this is as good as the old "Who's on first" gag, yet when you reach the end, you get hit with the truth. Very, very different, but extremely well written.
Grinning from ear to ear jan. Thx for the big oversized chuckle I got from reading this piece hon! Now, you do carry this one right "out of the box", down the hall,past the "allergens",the breezers who ate too many beans,lol, the sneezers and everything else to finally meet the true meaning of Christmas, dead on, in a smiple unique way. Great job hon! Thx too for the encouraging words for my piece, "Still A Voice.":0) Merry Christmas dear!"
haha nice humor :)