The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 2335 times
Member Comments
What an incredible story and devotion wrapped into one. Well done!
Whoever took on that job will definitely have a little extra something waiting for them in heaven. LOL. Nicely told.
Entertaining and inspiring, right to the end! Nice flow, and good intro to bring us up-to-speed with that all important phone call to Barb!! I liked your story-telling followed by some thoughts/questions to ponder. Nicely done...purrrrrrr.....


I absolutely LOVE this!
I learned something new. (I had no idea about 'cat poo' and pregnancy!)
I really enjoyed the voice of this but deep at the same time. Did I mention: LOVED IT!
Well written piece and a very good lesson. Thank you for sharing this difficult time in your life with us:)
What a blessed church family you've presented in your entry with examples of Christian gracious giving and receiving. I enjoyed the story. (I didn't know about cat poo and pregnancy complications either. It's a good thing that in my day we had "outdoor" cats!)
A delightful and engaging voice. Reminds me of our first placement as an assistant pastor. I didn’t get to do that much preaching, but one of my regular duties was to clean the gents’ loo in the church.
LOL We all have our 'callings' in the body of Christ, don't we? I enjoyed the voice and the addition of a prayer at the end is wonderful. My only comment is that in the middle, I think you meant you weren't willing to risk your UNBORN child's eyesight not NEWBORN. Great job, my friend!
Oh, I really like the asides. It made it feel very personal. My only suggestion would be to leave out at least one of the "you see's", if not both. I'm not sure they add much, but that's just my opinion. Whether or not they stay, though, this is very well done. I want to read the book...seriously.
I liked the mixed story/devotional feel to this. I also liked the lesson about cat poo and the possible birth defects that it can cause. I was not aware of that. Very interesting.

The only thing I was wondering is what caused the husband to be physically unable to empty the litter. Did I miss something or is this possibly a small piece of a larger story? Either way, it was a good read. I appreciate you sharing it. :)
This is a wonderful reminder to have a servant's heart. Well done.
This has everything, a wonderful devotional and the story is very enjoyable too. Great job on topic!
Joanne--This literally moved me to tears. Absolutely perfect in every way. Thank you so much for writing it.
Oh, Joanne...I have tears in my eyes as I write this. Only those who have been in your shoes can fully appreciate the impact this kind of ministry had for your family. What a blessing! I love the format you have going here. The question at the end, along with the prayer, really pulled the essence of this story into sharp focus. This will be a lovely devotional/manual!
Great example of the body of Christ demonstrating His love. I appreciated your thought provoking questions as well. Thanks!
Wow! You and your family, two and four legged have been truly blessed. Again, I want to read this when published. I love the devotional aspect of this as well.
This was as beautiful as a story about cat poo could possibly be. Awesome illustration of people being the hands of God...I LOVED IT!
This was good. Love the challenge and prayer at the end.
Wow! It does take more than something in a plain 'ol cat lover to just clean a litter box. This is wonderful and truly amazing to know. I love how it was easy to turn it into a devotional. Great job. ^_^
I would have never thought to ask someone to clean out the litter box—that is ministry above and beyond the call of duty! Well done.
Awesome message tucked into this story of your little kitties. I can relate because I was on bed rest for three months of one of my pregnancies, and our family also experienced similar ministry from the body of Christ. Your story engaged me from beginning to end. I would have liked to have known earlier that it was your husband's being laid up that created the need for ministry. Many blessings, Cheri
Embarrassing... but I forgot to say on my first message: Great job! Hugs, Cheri
Oh my, what can I say? It's all been said and every word is true. You forgot the "Kleenex Advisory" though and now my shirt tail is all wet with tears. :-(
Such good writing! (as always, I might add)
I like the conversational tone of this. Your application and prayer are spot on and really bring this home to roost.

I'm going to PM my red ink since you asked.

The message is great and every pregnant (or formerly so) cat owner will "get it" right away. That's a strangely humbling thing to ask for.
Refreshingly unique devotional, the tie in at the end was purrfect. I remember looking after my wife's 'cat' when she was pregnant too. Somehow, the job is still mine, ten years later...
This was beautiful, and so well written. I love how you told this story. Great writing my friend.
What a beautiful example of the love of the saints for one another getting down to the nitty gritty. Wonderfully written Joanne, well done.
Congratulations on placing 34th overall with this entry, Joanne!