The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Powerful message.
Chilling... and all too plausible. Great story, good satisfying ending.
This is incredible! I could really "see" the horribly frightening scene. Your subtle humor keeps the reader going -- while the powerful message is continually growing. Brilliant presentation of an ugly, not-so-far-away future.
WHOA! Chilling. Loved it. But to me, this "science-fiction" may one day become non-fiction...that's what's so scary. Moxt excellent. Keep up the awesome work!
Powerful and clever! Masterwriting all the way around!
Isn't it sad that this doesn't even seem beyond the realm of a possibility someday? You created an excellent story.
Scary, with subtle humor as well. Good voice. I like it. You always write very well.
Chilling. Great characterization and dialogue. Definitely made me think.
This was very good. But I didn't understand the last part. Time to go where? Certainly the birth was not near by the explanation of her body condition. But I really liked this, and the writing is good. Just seems unfinished somehow.
Very good title. And a sad message of what could happen in the future. you did a good job of telling this story. The last part really packed a punch. Good job.
Gave me chills although I could guess what was about to happen. The characters were perfect yet the subject is sadly not too far off from what is already beginning.

The administrators voice was so poignant and true! I loved it.

Loved the frizzy hair and big nose part too - reminded me of the disco days! ;)
I gasped aloud in several places as I read your futuristic science fiction. . .or, is it?

Hitler would have loved to have had technology like this to create his 'Master Race'. I like the way you ended the story.

Licensing of future parents has been proposed by a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor, and I know genetic engineering is being developed rapidly. This is a scary scenario, like Chrissy said. Well written.
Wow! Masterfully done. That administrator was really something!
Who needs little green men with laser guns and ambitions of world annihilation to write engaging sci-fi? This was awesome. It was chillingly real. The scenes were simple and yet powerful with great dialogue and characterization. Of course now you have to let us all know what happens to the parents and unlicensed child. :)
This one is very good. It is very real - I can see the world coming to this someday. Thanks be to God that He is in control!
A nice story with a big message. The character of the administrator was well done. Some parts seemed forced, but the overall interest and reader involvement of your message created great momentum. I enjoyed the story very much.
A well-written, fascinating, chilling read. A future that no doubt could come. It also resonated with me, as Helen and I have just undergone an intensive and intrusive "home study" to see whether we are suitable adoptive parents. Some of the "hot" issues we had to address arose where our faith clashed with Politically Correct dogma. Fortunately, we had a sympathetic social worker, but it could easily have gone otherwise - so I really relate to this!!!
A well-written, fascinating, chilling read. A future that no doubt could come. It also resonated with me, as Helen and I have just undergone an intensive and intrusive "home study" to see whether we are suitable adoptive parents. Some of the "hot" issues we had to address arose where our faith clashed with Politically Correct dogma. Fortunately, we had a sympathetic social worker, but it could easily have gone otherwise - so I really relate to this!!!
Oh, what an excellent but truly disturbing story! I suspected that she might ultimately be rejected because of her "quaintness" and "God talk"! What an ending, though! Now, I'm worried about what will happen when it's found she's carrying an unlicensed child. Is that why her husband said it was time to go, as in time to flee?? I hope you consider a sequel!! :)
WOW! To think this could really happen! Great sci-fi entry!
I think this is wonderful! Very creepy and could definitely happen. Wonderful job in Sci Fi!!
You may not think it's a great effort, but I think it's very good.
Well written scary sci=fi entry. I love your writing, you're the best at what you do, but, seeing how you requested, one thing that is strickly just me cos I have to watch kid movies all the time, the orge line in the beginning gave me the visual of Shrek:) and I just couldn't shake it. Other than that, you delivered a very powerful message expertly. God bless.
SciFi is sometimes not as far away as we may think - some really good food for thought here....
I ditto all of the wonderful comments above. Yes, this very realistically written "sci-fi" is not too far off. The characters and dialogue are great. Definitely a work of a master writer.
Wow, this was very good & scary to think this could happen. Masterful writing skills!
Another great one. The ending was perfect and my favorite part. The story was good, but again in your writing, the characters become so alive they could carry a weak plot (if you ever wrote one).

We do think alike! Oh, if only my "twin" thinking could write the ideas as well as you do! Again, a wonderfully written story!
Very realistic, futuristic, and powerfully written.
This is almost a commentary on today's, sophisticated worldly view. God bless those that chose otherwise.
Insightful, George Orwellian, engaging story.
I loved it! And the thing is, I can see this being possible in the future...

By the way, good choice of the main character's name ;-) Couldn't have chosen better :-)
It doesn't surprise me to discover that one of my favorite entries of the week is by one of my favorite FW authors. Jan, as always, great job.
I read this before, and loved it. Now knowing who wrote it, I love it even more. :) Thanks for all your comments on my stories--you have been such an encouragement to me.