The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
So funny...and so believable. This line made me laugh out loud: "Oh dear Lord, I knew I shouldn't have added the part about the spicy legs and tantalizing ribs . . ."

You've got to write part 2--I want to know how she gets out of this. :)
This was such a witty piece, complimented by your great characterization of the MC. I could totally see her. I love the subtle depth of the message; it made me ponder if I was more like her, or the people who have judged and distanced themselves from her...
Sadly, I think it's both. Awesome writing:)
This is expertly written. I was a little taken aback when the morality theme was suddenly introduced halfway through and the story took off in an unexpected direction. As others have said, it would have been interesting to know if anyone did turn up. Been there; always hate the last half hour before an event!
I love the way this story played out. Great way to weave a serious message into a comedic story. Wonderful!
Oh, hilarious! I can't tell you how much I love this, because it's so, so funny on one hand--and so, so deep on the other. Sublime.

Never heard the gatekeeper anecdote before; that was a nice little bonus.

Expertly crafted, with a wonderful narrator.
Oopds is right! Great story-should be a winner.
Oh my! I can just imagine how she felt. Very good.
You pulled me into the story right away. I had empathy for the MC. Thank you for putting a smile on my face so early in the morning.
You could feel Sylvie's tension while she waited. LOL, oh my, that certainly was one big "Oops".
Lisa, you are a master of dialog.

The story rolls on so smoothly and effortlessly. And what a wonderful zinger!

Loved it!
Eesh.. this scares me! I am always getting my letters mixed up when I type. I am sure to do this kind of thing someday!
This put a little knot in my stomach, as I am currently planning my own "shindig." Hope it goes better than this one. I'd love to read the next chapter.
Fantastic! Great dialog, wonderful plot, on topic, and clever ending. It even held a spiritual message. Love it. Patty
I love your mc--so real, I think I know her. This is a story that delights in so many ways.
Love your details and humor. So funny. Thanks for making us all laugh (and think). Great writing (again).
Masterful Comedy,I loved it!
Very interesting read! My first thought was Mike's Barbeque and Grill sounded like a nice place to dine in, not much like an event name. I guess its no wonder why the people are going to the wrong place! LOL (",)
Super entry. I loved the "oops" moment here. I figured her problem was the wrong date or time, not the wrong location:) Great job!
Married to a guy who thinks Bar-B-Q should be on all the best shindigs.
Looking for the "oops" moment, I encountered a people where they are. I think this was meant for me.
Good food...spiritual.

I think this is the first piece that made me laugh and cringe...yikes! But I liked the underlying message, well done!
I'd also like to know how your MC gets over her 'misteak.' Very entertaining material.
I, too, want to read the next chapter. I really enjoyed reading this. Loved the message hidden behind the fun.
I always enjoy reading your stuff because you just never know what is going to happen next!
Absolutely hilarious, with a serious message--a superb combination. I would LOVE to hear what was said in the phone call!
What a riot! Super congrats on your level placing AND EC!! :)
Congrats, Lisa!
Lisa! Wow!
It reminded me of Jan's "Herring," story.

What a lesson in how dialogue
can have differing uses.
Congrats! A very worthy winner - lovely humour and dialogue.
A worthy winner indeed :-) Congratulations!
I love it! I want to see a sequel too! A hearty congratulations!
Congratulations Lisa on your winning second place in the Editors' Choice! So happy for you! (",)
This is terrific! Loved every inch of it. You used great restraint before the zing. Super dialogue, characters and storyline. Topnotch writing in a very special exclusive class! This belongs in the Book, any book!
Congrats on your well-deserved win! I love how you are able to tie life lessons into your pieces without being preachy. Makes one think, even while smiling at the "oops" in the story. Nice, nice job. :)
Congratulations Lisa on both wins with this humorous story. I could feel Sylvie's knotted nerves as the story progressed and my heart sank with hers when she discovered the blunder she had made. Great writing always brings the reader into the moment with the characters--you seem to achieve this so effortlessly. Excellent!