The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1808 times
Member Comments
Cute example here of learning to be calm (or maybe not learning).
Loved this humorous little take on "calming the nerves" or the "adrenal whatever's"?...nice change from the serious, and gave me a new outlook on some of those 'what I thought of as boring sports' - nice job!
Cute and clever - this was definitely a fun read.
Hey, I think your MC just might be a long lost relative of my husband! They both seem to have the any-sport-is-worth-watching gene. He's a calm person, until he watches sports. Cute story and one that illustrates very well my own philosophy about sports: it's better to watch something with a PLOT!
I enjoyed the humor throughout this piece. Too bad the issue behind it is a serious one, but the MC seems to be a "good sport" about it!
Amen to Dee's comment. It's impossible for me to get worked up over sports; my adrenals revert to auto -- unless of course its the Spurs. Cute story, though, well-written and great for the flip side of calm.
Might I suggest a good book for your MC? :) I really enjoyed this humorous article. Nicely done.
Oh my. This was great. I laughed the whole time. Next time, try watching chess. No, wait. It can get pretty exciting when you're waiting for the pawn to attack the king.
Nicely done. Fun take on the topic or "anti-topic." Terrific writing.
I really enjoyed the Catch-22 humor in this artilce. It is well written and all too true, sports fanatic or not.
Loved the article because I had a similar condition, my adrenal glands went whacko, but the doctor never told me there was a name for it. I would have liked another title to draw the readers to a very good article. Also thanks for all the help you gave me.:))
Don't know how I missed this entertaining piece my first "read through" this week. Excellent writing, unique take on the topic, and so humorous.