The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1601 times
Member Comments
Clever title, and a delightful, silly piece. Definitely did NOT anticipate where this one was going. Fun!
Hilarious (not, of course, for either the naked lady or the UPS man).
Oh, this was SO funny. Is that you again, M? Sounds like it...You are so talented. It seems you have a rhyme for every occasion....Great stuff! I loved it. Helen
This was too too funny! Thanks for such an enjoyable read!
Delightfully funny poem with a wonderful story. Only someone very clever could think of a last line like this one!
Hee-hee! So funny and cute-very bad puppy, though. Poor Mr. UPS man...what terrible damage was done that day. Thanks for the laugh and the marvelous romp through poetry-land again!
HAHAHA! ROFL! What a hoot! SOOO funny! (and sooo skillfully written too! ;-)
Way too funny! Great job with the rhyme and for making me laugh!
This was a very fun read...I loved it!
Oh, how embarrassing, but it made for a fun read.
You tell the best stories with your poems. Well done.
This was so HILARIOUS! The fact that it was true made it even funnier (sorry Mariane LOL).

I sure hope that this places high this week, because it really made me laugh.
Ha..ha..ha... I'll bet that UPS guy will tell his story for years.
Great poem
This is so funny. I'd love to see it cartoon illustrated--or maybe not. And the ending is priceless. Great job with the topic.
Great story and love the humor. Perfect last stanza too!
ROFL! Love it! So clever and fun. From the title to the ending, nice overall delivery (pun intended)!
Well done! My favorite thing about this was your sophisticated rhymes--I get so weary of very simple, one-syllable rhymes, and you've got some real doozies here. Thanks!
No as serious as the title implies, loved the dilemma here, I bet your husband caught an earful when he returned....

Thanks for the smiles.
Where is my little HEHEHE emoticon? I loved this story, it was hilarious! Good job! ;)
I was in stitches throughout this. Your rhyming and descriptions were amazing, and I LOVED it! Well done.
Oooh, ouch! This is funny, but I feel sorry for that ups guy and the lady. Oh well. ^_^
Well, well done! Great meter and verse in this humorous poem. True story, huh? Wow! Thanks for a great read. Blessings, Cheri
Very entertaining and funny story with wonderful verses and meter. Only you could have pulled this off... well, actually the dog pulled it off didn't she :-) I loved the part about the poor UPS man needing a blood transfusion. Super job Mariane, super!