The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Hey, I've been there! My four-year-old is currently going through a phase of bleating out "What can I do?" - even as he walks away from a shared activity we have just completed.
A good reminder to us all! I think we've all been there and you articulated it well.
*Ouch!* I think many of us can relate to this. I liked the different voices of your characters, the voice of God in italics.
Well done.
Ha! I was irritated when the phone rang while trying to leave this comment.. what do people think? I have all day to talk on the phone when I'm a faithwriter?? GREAT reminder.. story... thanks for the punch..
Uh Oh. Convicted. Good job with the dialog. This was an entertaining read.
Enjoyable story, and so sad! I am sure it happens all too often, especially with computers and concentration. I did have a bit of difficulty near the end, seperating the call from the wife and children, to the call from God. Would have been totally excellent if a bit more of a notice of Who was talking...But that is just my opinion...Well done...Helen
Okay. Second comment. After having read the other comments (I try not to do so until I have commented, so as not to influence me), I did notice, as was pointed out by the last commenter, that you DID distinguish God's voice from the family by putting God's words in italics. Sorry...Helen
Ooooh, cut it out and tape it to the computer screen. Great message wrapped in excellent packaging.
Hey...great minds think alike - we wrote from the same angle this week. :-) You did a wonderful job - very realistic scene. I could so relate!
Good stuff Rachel, it's so easy to get involved in our writing that everything else seems to pale into insignificance. God had given us writing ability AND families. It would be awful to lose either, but especially our family. Very well done.
Great story to show
God's gifts--talent and family, as well as the wisdom to find the right priorities.
Been there, done that, but you expressed it so much better. Congratulations, Rachel on placing with this wonderful piece of writing. Loren
Wow! Good Rudy finally listened to God's voice or nothing else would have mattered. Great piece of writing and a well deserved EC win.
I really like the following line: “Good. Now let me read what you’ve written while you go spend time with your family.” I think God has told me this a few times, and its difficult to cover my ears and keep pecking on the keyboard. You wonderfully expressed a truth about balancing writing and family, and congratulations on being rewarded for it.