The Official Writing Challenge
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Ahhhh! One who understands! How refreshing! Loved this slice of life into a Faithwriter! Kudos!
Now I wonder why I feel so at home in this story? But on a much less talented plateau. Today, I simply admire the talents of those better than myself. Thanks!
This made me smile. Thanks.
"Just another Thursday." Ha! This is hilarious. I love it.
I'm beginning to understand the addiction and have already written for the new topic just announced. I wonder how it will fair once work gets busy again?

Enjoyed the read!
Thanks! An articulate reminder that ideas are everywhere, if we only look. Thoughts we can all identify with, written in ways we can all hope to emulate!
Can't we all relate? I laughed through this - especially "Writer would never be a topic." hehe. Hehe!
This so well expressed what so many of us feel. Now I really understand what "challenge" means. When I rush to the computer on Thursday to find out the word, I think, "I can't do anything with that," but then it's like a "double dare." Like you I try out ideas and scribble them down and let them roll around in my thoughts for some time, but unlike you, I don't express myself like a "master." Thanks for a great read.
Ahhh...the life of a writer! Isn't it totally fun to be quirky and misunderstood? Thanks for the laugh
This is perfect! I really grinned at "Schmedly" and "Strained gass? Pretusion ratsy rectum". What a great sense of humor you have!
Oh, it's about me:) very nice
Why am I not surprised this is yours Tim? Way to go! Had me laughing out loud all by myself. (sorry - had to comment twice)
I especially liked the comment "Don’t be silly. They’d never use writing as a topic.” Ha!

I enjoyed the humor throughout and the Dad and son word play back and forth was nicely done and believable. And, yes, I too commiserate.
I wish this were funny, but it's totally true! Actually, it's funny, too. Thanks for the day brightener!
Someone has a great sense of humor! Fast moving - lots of actions with great dialogue!! thoroughly enjoyed this one:)
I can really relate to this amd enjoyed knowing I'm not alone on what I go through on Thursday mornings. Great job!
I definitely liked this! So much fun to read and very effectively capturing a 'Thursday' for a challeng-oriented writer! I loved the dialouge and carrying around a notepad. Sounds like me. Except I take a big, fat notebook! Thanks for sharing!
I kept laughing at myself in your MC. I can't believe how you captured so much of what "only I" go through every time I see "the one word" I knew I'd hate to see on Thursday morning! I've never liked a-one of them, but have come up with something anyway!
I love your wit!
I'm smiling. This was really fun, and so true. I have to ask, though, been spying on me, haven't you?
Fun idea. I liked the way you involved everyone around your main character and they all had ideas for her. Good job!
Naw, they'd never do one on writing! HeHe! Fun story! :D
Haha, I've written some about the addiction. Fun story and there are a few good ideas in there. ;-)