The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Sounds like a lovely place, not just to visit, but to stay. I can see why you keep coming back to it---there seems to be yet much to explore! I truly like your writing style - the wonderful wording is perfect for your story.
I'd like to read more! This beginning is a beautiful picture of a special place and the new start for your main character is intriguing.
I would love to read a novel about Enelee. Very good story.
Loved your descriptions of the island.
You write of Enelee, of your continued desire to come back to your images of Enelee. One day, you will....and so will I, because I have a strange feeling that it's Heaven, a beautiful place of acceptance and belonging where we will totally feel home. Keep yearning. God placed that in you. It's a homing beacon that is leading you toward Home. Yes, write a book, because we all need not just to be told, but to feel what God has made for us that is beyond our wildest imagination! Help us to feel it in our bones, as you do!
Fascinating! I could definitely read an entire book about Enelee. And what a perfect time for it to the "teen" genre.
I want to read the book - you created an absolutely beautiful world, with its own wonderful characterization, not to mention the human characters! This charmed me like no other thus far this week.
Your narrator's voice is perfect!
Loved it. The description is wonderful. You were able to bring across all the hurt and hesitancy of a teen coming in as a foster child and even the understanding that the other character had for her situation. I agree with the others, please write that book. We all need a island of hope.
Even just the title alone has a lot of charm. It conjures up images of a magical place full of peace, healing and wild tranquillity. Does it have deer and other wildlife roaming freely over the hills, without any fear of man? I'd like to come and visit. Well done.
Write that novel of Enelee! I am so waiting to see what happens next! This was so fun to read, I liked disappearing into a different world, it was nice. I loved this. Especially Luella. She's definitely a keeper. ^_^
This beautiful story is one of my favorites this week. I would definitely read your novel. I hope the judges agree with me.
This is a good novel beginning. Teens should really love it!
I love it! I want to hear more about this land, where the lonely can feel at home.