The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh, I love this little boy and I also like how the mom handled the situation. Very cute story. Very nice descriptions, too! Awesome!
"I forgot to bring tissues. His sleeve smeared more than dirt this time." I love the picture this paints in my mind. This is very well written and absolutely adorable.
How precious! I loved how mom allowed Luke to work out his anger on his own, while keeping a careful eye on him. Isn't that just like God? What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing :)
Awww, poor little guy, and a very sweet story. Made me wish for a cookie...
Now this stirs up some memories. I love this gentle take on the topic, and the parallel of both mother and son learning about the futility of running away.
A delightful story of the "Runaway"...and an interesting way in which the mother handled both her and her son's returning back to a closer relationship with those they loved. Well done.
Great characterization, and I love the two-pronged lesson.
Lovely little story! What little boy hasn't run away...
What a lovely story. LOL and the little guy thought he'd been gone the whole day and it was almost supper time. Love the way the Mom realised her relationship with the Father was out of sync too. So well written
Cute story. I liked how both the parent and child learned something from this situation. Keep writing.
This story is so cute and reminded me so much of my sons when they were little. This was just precious. Well done.
A wee bit of tough love for Luke! Excellent story
Loved that mom got a lesson too. many great descriptions here. Keep it up.
Love the way Luke was brought to life by the vivid descriptions. And wonderful message.
I loved the descriptions and dialogue. I had a feeling that the little guy wasn't as far away from home as he thought he was. I also thought it was clever how you injected the mother's struggle with running from God. It made the story's lesson stand out even more. Thank you for sharing!
What an adorable character! You made Luke so real and I really liked Darla too, the double comparison here was pretty good. I liked how she knew that he'd left and would be okay. That made this nicer-and easier to read knowing that Luke would be all right. ^_^ Good job! ^_^
You've captured all the idiosyncrasies of a little boy with this, My favorite is his thought, "This is getting worser and worser." Then you related the story to our relationship with our heavenly Father...and it's so true. Very good work on this.
Wonderful characterization, especially of the little boy, wonderful message, wonderful story.
Simply a sweet, tender and lovely story, very well told. The message is clear and meaningful regardless of the age of the one reading it. Well done, indeed!
Aww...such a cute character. I did that once-ran to the backyard and hid under the picnic table. I thought I was out there all day, too! Very authentic and sweetly told. Just right for the topic and I like the tie-in with his mom's feeling about her Father.
Adorable story written very well. Loved it. The ending was so well done. Great job.
Great writing! Plus excellent descriptions, characterization, and lesson.