The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a powerful insight into what, I think, we all dread might happen (I know I frequently become shocked at what I see in the mirror :) ). And yet, she also seemed so happy being once again in those memories.

I truly felt her confusion. You brought her to life for me. Thank you.
Even though lots of people have written on Alzheimers this week, this story really stands out with its bittersweet approach. Excellent in every way.
Lovely story... you wrote beautiful memories and such a special granddaughter.
First of all, very well written. Excellent concept. To make it more powerful, I'd start with her being confused from the beginning. Drop the suddenly she was a child again part. "Grow" the reader into understanding what is happening. That makes it more dramatic.

The other suggestion is to find a more compelling ending. Finishing with the song is nice, don't get me wrong, but could be even more effective.

Still, I really enjoyed the story. You have a great writing future ahead of you!
This is just wonderful. You have done an amazing job of painting the confusion here. I felt like I WAS this woman. Just superb.
Such a lovely story. Very well written. Good job!
Great Writing! Every success for the future. Thank you.
So well written. I especially like the characters you created. Though there are many stories about Alzheimer's this week, I agree that this one is really special. Many others were able to capture something different about this disease, and you also have presented a unique voice. Well done!
You have captured the heartbreak of Alzheimer's and also aging. Your writing is excellent.
WOW! As Jan said, "perfect in every way!"
You did a nice job of describing the confusion of her disease. Easy to read writing style. Good job.
In a word, this was beautiful. It was so tender and respectful is so many ways. I especially liked the looks as if the apple didn't fall to far from the tree. Great job and I hope to see this place!
Your descriptions here are just superb. I loved your story.
Well done. I was curious as to how Susan was going to resolve the problem of the tree house, etcetera. If she's as creative as you are, everything will turn out just fine.
Pamela, I agree with the others that this is just a beautifully written piece! You captured the confusion of the woman so well, and your title is perfect! The story is very touching and flowed extremely well. You enabled me to "see" and even feel from the woman's perspective. It is now my very favorite of all your pieces so far! Excellent writing! :)