The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1412 times
Member Comments
I loved this--your granny's voice rang out loud and clear, and the rural flavor is charming in your writing.

I wish you had taken this further, and instead of making it very specific to the Writing Challenge (it's always best to avoid mentioning the challenge in your entry), applied it to some area of your life more relatable to a wide range of readers. Better still, if some other wisdom from Granny had helped you resolve your confusion.

This cute little essay definitely warrants some additional attention.
Cute and fun. Enjoyed this very much!
I enjoyed reading this but the story ended too soon. Keep writing and well done. Chris x
Wow! I loved what you wrote! I don't know if this is how you write all the time but I look forward to reading more of your writing. I wanted it to go on longer.
Awww...everybody loves a Granny. And you are blessed to have a Granny whose best friend was the Lord. Thanks for telling us "what Granny would do". I like your "grannyese" (granny language). :)