The Official Writing Challenge
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okay, WOW! I think you captured every single thing about being a "mom" right here in this piece. So special, all of this. You take every little issue and explain it, but in a way that only shows more of yourself. The transparency is amazing. A favorite of mine this week. ^_^
The first line says it all "...imperfect Mom doing my best." Aren't we all just doing the best we can? This is a very relevant article for our times--a head's up for all us Moms to encourage one another. Not everyone deals with the same issues we do and we need a little more compassion for those other Moms who have a lot on their plate. As you can probably tell, this hit me right where I live, too. Bravo for writing this significant piece and also for writing it so very well!!!
Wow... this resonates with me... I could add or remove one or two examples, but it still says the same thing. Wow. Amen and amen. Would love to post this on my door and make anyone who wants to come into my house and life... sign it! LOL... or just stick it on my forehead... whatever works.
This was so, so good! You have captured what we all need to learn--things aren't always what they seem and it isn't our place to judge anyway. So much of this struck personal chords with me. Thanks for saying it so beautifully from the heart.
It's easier to judge than to encourage. Thanks for the exhortation. I love this piece. It sums up the struggles and the secret joys of a Christian mom. Great writing!
I enjoyed this wonderful message from an imperfect mom. (Aren't we all!) You laid out each case so well of a Christian mother asking for understanding and doing her best. The love of this imperfect mother for her children shines.
Superb writing, and the last paragraph is so me. Also agree completely about medication for those with disorders such as ADHD etc. Having taught children both on and off medication, I felt sorry for those forced to battle a malfunctioning brain without medical assistance.
Publish this! So many moms need to read this; those that are judged and those doing the judging as well. Great job.
Wow, this is really, really good. So many mothers question their parenting skills and decisions. This is something all mothers--and probably more importantly, non-mothers--need to read. Excellent job with the topic.
I soaked in every word in this authentic, heartfelt plea. Your choice of words seemed very deliberate and careful--balanced. You managed to get a strong point across without crossing the line of bitterness. I can't tell you how many times I have felt these same emotions behind my own scenarios in parenting. Well done.
So very true, and well written!

As a mother who has had to make a lot of decisions I judged as wrong not so many years ago, I can understand this one on many levels. We just DON'T know what someone else is going through, and so many decisions are only come to after much agonizing and prayer.
Heartfelt, and wonderfully written. I really related to this, and could have added some of my own "pleases".
This piece says a whole lot about the struggles that mother's face daily.

I think every single one of us longs for people to just try and understand our situation rather than pointing a judging finger at us. I think all people, moms and otherwise, can relate to your plea.

Well spoken. You did a great job with this one. :)
Beautifully done!
Being a mom is a 24/7 job that only another mother would understand...and sometimes even then, some don't.
You are doing a wonderful job and I'm sure you are making lasting happy memories and decisions that are best for your children.
Thank you, Kristen, for writing this piece. We have ALL been there - we all ARE there. Excellent. You should get this published, girl.
This was great Kristen.. thanks... I am going to send it to my daughter with triplets..!! What great advice for ANY of us.. even and especially those with adult children now.. ! Being a mom is a lifelong job.. THANKS.. well done girl!
Her pleas are heartfelt. Oh to walk a mile.....Great job with this.
This was well-written, and obviously straight from the heart, with experience as the teacher. I sent the link to a special friend who walks in the same shoes.
Excellent and wise. It reminds me of an old Indian saying I learned growing up. "Do not judge me until you've walked a mile in my moccasins." Great job!
This was absolutely fantastic! It really is so much easier to judge, but in the Bible, we are strongly admonished to not do that. We never really know all sides of the story, do we?

I'm not sure if you intended this, but I really think this is a wonderful encouragement to so many moms who are struggling to cope with everything that comes their way and still be a "good" mom. Blessings to you!
Kristen, this was just so good! I found myself nodding my head as I read. Having a granddaughter who was diagnosed with ADHD, I can appreciate your requests for other mothers not to judge your decisions. This would go well in a parenting magazine. Superb job.