The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1837 times
Member Comments
Wow, this is beautiful. It brought back memories of my own grandmother's memorial service, and also touched me because of my own autistic son, my "Benny." Thank you for this beautiful work.
We sometimes feel pity for the "Bennys" in our lives. But in many ways, they are far better off than the rest of us—and this is one of those ways. Well done.
Wow. Lots going on here. I too wanted to see what Uncle Benny did and at the end, I did. It was great-and wonderful, bittersweet story. Very nicely done. ^_^
This story is so touching and the characters come to life in your descriptions. What a wonderful glimpse through the eyes we so often misunderstand.
Very good story here. Loved reading the descriptions and how the little kid interacted with the uncle. Very good writing.
Oh, so touching...a tear jerker! I cried with Benny and heard his song for his mother.
So beautiful, so wonderful! **THIS SPARKLES**
A touching story very well written. Several things caught my eye such as arranging the bottles to interact with Benny and the squinting of the eyes to try and see what Benny saw. You did a good job of drawing your reader into at least a part of Benny's world.
I liked this, "fell like a courtroom gavel, firm and final." You created a mystique about Uncle Benny leaving me wanting to learn more about him. You especially struck a chord (with me) with his piano playing. I enjoyed the picture of the arranging, then rearranging the bathroom bottles. :) The father's explanation to Benny, concerning the death of his mother, is absolutely beautiful -- as is your whole story… I love it!
Wonderful depiction of Uncle Benny, and I really like the voice of this story.

I almost think your title gives too much away from the beauty of the last few paragraphs.

Note: in the sentence that starts The phone call sent Daddy and I racing..., it should be Daddy and me. You can tell by taking "Daddy" out of the sentence.

I have a soft spot for stories about the mentally ill, and this is one of the best I've read.
Enjoyed the pace of this and the way you helped us identify with Benny. So many good parts here, it is hard to single one out.
What a beautiful story. Benny was so blessed to have a brother like the MC's father, who did not hesitate to take his brother into his own home... but the family is sure to be blessed even more for having him there.
***Congrats on your EC!***
Sharlyn -- Super congrats on your EC with this!!
Congratulations on your EC. This is beautiful, and so well written. Great job with the topic.
Sharlyn, it is so good to see your name up here again. Congratulations on placing with this well-written, thought provoking piece. Loren
Wonderful story, Sharlyn. Congratulations!
You have some fabulous little gems in your sentences--great writing and very touching.
Oh I loved this - especially the last paragraph. Beautiful! Congratulations on your win.