The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
A beautiful moving poem - some wonderful phrases - 'from the fringes of my life'. I think you over-used the commas at the end of lines a bit - if the phrase or thought continues to the next line, I think the comma should be omitted. But this really didn't detract in the least from a wonderful piece of writing.
I love this poem, it's very touching and heartfelt. Good job!
Beautiful! Well done!
This is why I won't venture into poetry again any time soon. Outstanding. The power of a whisper. God bless.
Very moving. Don't know how you get all those words to come together in rhyme.
Beautifully put together - I can feel the Holy Spirit whisper through it.
Not only is this superb, it is superbly structured,

Thank God for all the dear people who intercede in prayer for others--and for you who wrote about them so eloquently.
THat was so beeautiful. I wonder which faces on this eaerth I all owe my blessings to. I will never know to the fullest extent who all faithfully prayed for me, but someday in heaven I will meet them and thank them. God bless you for writing this lovely poem!

I believe your poem came closer than any to describing a true unsung hero. And I guess I am old-fashioned in that I still like poems to rhyme.
A beautiful work of art. Seems as though each word was chosen with care. Bless you for the message.
This says it all! Every word power-packed! A deeply moving expose. Love the whole thing.
This is so beautiful! The rhythm flows in such a pleasing way, and the message is touching. Excellent!
I'll echo what the previous commenters have said, and add that I really loved the poetic structure of this verse. Another winner, buddy!
Beautiful. I can't say any more than what's already been said.
This is an absolutely amazing poem and it truly conveys the topic for this week. Excellent! Thanks for sharing this
Just gorgeous in every way and on every level! This warmed me.
Congratulations, Kenn, on your well-deserved win. This was beautiful. I used to spend more time at prayerful intercession for others than I do right now. Your poem, or was it a prayer?, was an encouragement to me to get back to that ministry in earnest. With sincerity, thank you.
Now, stop it Kenn!!! You stop it this second! LOL This so fit the topic, IMO! And of course well-written. I've been bragging on you. Are your ears burning?
Congratulations ... again ...

Superb poetry!

I loved this poem.
Such anointed words!
God bless!
This reminds me of a pastor's wife, only 32 yrs old, who passed away recently.

She was a prayer warrior and she had been used by God so many times to intercede on my behalf. She has gone to be with the Lord but I know her prayers are eternal.n

This poem so fits the theme.
Thank you for writing this!
God bless!
Just reading this poem again. I never forgot it. It's got to be one of my favourites on this site. You captured the 'Unsung Hero' so well.
Rest in the arms of your Savior, Kenn.
We will miss you, Kenn. Thank you for using the wonderful gift of poetry to enrich our lives.
Forever in our hearts, dear friend. You will live on through your writing. We will see you again one day.
What awesome poetry you have written. I am sad that you have left us early, but I'm glad that your words will live on. I'll honor your memory with prayers for Susie and all your family.
Can't seem to find words to speak just now. Perhaps it's just a time to feel your words Kenn. You are loved and already missed. Praying.