The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
LOL! Great example of an on-line forum. Very creative.
Hilarious! Very, very well done!
This should carry an emotional health warning. Uuuurrgh, can't get that hideous image out of my head of a man trying to shave his legs. Aaaaagh!!!
Aside from that, brilliant, creative, and a warning to all sane blokes never to take up cycling!
Lol! I truly enjoyed your 'research' mission!
Lol! I truly enjoyed your 'research' mission!
This is just too funny! I was laughing so hard I need to find moisture resistant shorts myself! This is great. All of my kids are swimmers and apparently you swim faster if you don't shave all season until the big race and then you shave everything. Your story brought many mental pictures of botched shaving jobs! Lyd still has a 3 inch mark on her arm from last week! Great story, I'm sure it will do well!
What a riot! :) I was glad you explained what LBS was too. :) I enjoyed seeing the name "Pam" in this. :) Has George heard of Iowa's RAGBRAI? You have a lot of smiles in this!
You get high marks from me on this one. Well done! Good humor. On topic. Just splendid.
Definitely on topic...and definitely lots of fun. Good job!
This is hilarious:) So much fun how it went from a simple question into such a wacky direction. lol
*chuckles* This was great. Loved the ending. ;)
Love it!!! An entertaining, captivating and amusing, perfectly penned piece of prose. Two thumbs up. :)
Such fun! I loved this look at forum life.
Very fun and creative look at "forums." Maybe George should go back to swinging on vines. It sounds a lot safer. God bless your writing.
Awesome job! Love the inuendos in some of the responses, and especially the rose symbol.
This is soooo funny. And not a hint of being phony. A real guy asking an honest question that keeps going and going and going. It reminded me a bit of my swimming competition when we were asked to shave to cut down of the friction in the water.
Great job!
ROFL!!! ;) This is way hilarious! I didn't see the forum changing coming, love how his problems get advanced each time. :)

This reminds me of your story for the Critique/Review topic. Classic Tim humor. ;)

VERY WELL DESERVED WINS! Congrats, George. ;)
So happy for you Tim! This is a great example of your creativity and sense of humor...much deserved win.
I knew this was great. :) Congratulations!
Congratulations on your EC! I'm in awe of your talent. You are amazing!
A FUN read! Congrats on your EC win! Great job!!