The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Loved your title and the "basics" of the up and down Christian walk. Good insight.
Love the way you applied the ups and downs.
Great message found among the ups and downs of this lovely poem. Thumbs up from me.
Couldn't help but nod my head up and down to the truths revealed in this poem. It has a feel to it that seem to belong on a stitched sampler. Nice job!
Simple enough for a child to grasp...that's the gospel, isn't it?
Loved this truth boiled down to essentials.
The writing complimented the simplicity of the contents. Wonderful!
Lovely and simple--would make a great recitation from an elementary Sunday School class.
I especially like "Don’t let your well of joy dry up; -- God’s rain comes down to fill your cup." Your final stanza is powerful! You have so many creative uses of "up and down" which are perfect for teaching. Your title is perfect!
Put 'em down then pick 'm up.
I lite that.
How perfectly put, in so few words. Loved it!
Loved the poem. As I read each line, couldn't wait for the next "up" and "down". Well done!
Excellent, Verna. Such a powerful message in straight-forward speak. :)
A very good use of the topic to describe the basics of the Christian life.
I was amazed with each new up and down. So well done and inspirational.
So creative - love the title and the great visuals all throughout.
Great truths and reminders. Thanks for this poem of encouragement.
Wonderful illustration of the topic. I really like the last two lines. Well done.
It would be great if our children learned to read with such strong spiritual teachings!

Very creative..loved it!
The cadence of this is just beautiful with a wonderful message we'd all do well to heed.
I don't usually care for poetry but I really liked this- nicely done.
Loved the contrasts and wonderful Christian truths. And how some ups were good, and some downs were good.
This is phenomenal. Wow, just perfectly masterful.