The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1711 times
Member Comments
Wonderful illustration of the topic and so well written.
What a super analogy for how the "Great Surgeon" heals the bitterness as we turn it over to him. Very well done.
This is a creative story with a great message. :-)
Very creative take on the subject and well-expressed view of the power of the great surgeon and our own free will.
Oh, I love this - perfect title, once I was reminded of the reference :) Extremely creative with an incredible lesson for all of us. Wow.
Excellent and totally frightening too. I thought the description of the memory with its tentalces poisoning thoughts and actions was a really powerful metaphor. I did not need to skim through my memory files long to find an example from my own life. A powerful read!
Oh my...this was incredible. What an awesome piece of writing here. WOW! COngrats!