The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1813 times
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Well, I may have a theory as to who wrote this - but I didn't determine it from a family reunion ;) This intelligent, wry humor makes me wonder if my guess is right :)

ANYhow - this must have been an absolute hoot to write. An extremely fun read.
Groan. LOL. Your description of the cousins and their inconsistencies is funny. I couldn't stop reading--just had to see what Albert would discover next.
Hehe, fun story!
Loved it! Very, very creative! I can't even pretend to get that close to science! Great job!
Oh Gerry, this was a hoot... relatively speaking of course ;-)
I just loved: "He had fallen prey to her feminine wiles, a force no scientist’s theory could explain. Extremely clever, well cone my friend.
ahem, that should be "well done
Gerald, this is wonderful--I love the wry, droll voice and the characterization of Einstein. So, so cute and highly entertaining.

I wish you hadn't given away the pun-derful ending in your title!

This is one of my faves this week.
Really enjoyed this read - thank you very much.
What a gem. Everything about this tale shone. Loved the end and the chalkboard threat.
This is just so good. I really hope you place with it!
heehee! I could almost feel sorry for poor Albert, but it seems that he figured out his theory after all, lolz, so I guess it's all right with him! I loved the voice of this and the wife's threat about the 'do not erase sign' ROFL! Very well done! ^_^
This was such a blast to read...highly entertaining! Very creative...LOVED IT!
So many creative entries this week, and yours stands out among the crowd.

This story seems so believable, that if you hadn't placed the note at the end saying it was purely fiction, someone could have mistakened it for a factual story.

My favorite lines were:

"For example, look at Cousin Lilly. She was twice the size of her other cousins and so, by his theory, should have a squared multiple of their amount of energy. Her energy, though, couldn’t even get her to the end of the sack race, much to the chagrin of her smaller partner Cousin Zeke."

Thank you for sharing, Gerald.
Oh, yes! I love it from beginning to end. :)
Thanks you masters for your expertise and encouragement that we writers experience from you, right from starting out as beginners.