The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You did a very nice job of bringing this NT story into the present. Enjoyed the read.
Nicely done. I think I would have preferred it with a different title. This one sort of gave the whole thing away. It would have been nice to see the parralels between this ladies and the biblical Mary and Martha on my own without being told. Still, I enjoyed it. Good job.
This story was excellent. I have been guilty of being a Martha myself. Well done!
Very, Very good. I liked the shorter sentences that spoke volumes more than the words they contained. "Selah" a great name:)
This was masterfully written. Great flow, great concept, great execution, and a point ministered without beating me over the head. The sister's charaters were spot on and the dialogue was top notch.
WHat I enjoyed the most was the few parts were the personality of the author I so enjoy came through in the little comments I mentioned earlier.
God bless.
As always, excellent writing and character development.

Consider re-working the last part so that it's from Marti's POV, so that the readers can feel her remorse rather than observing it through Mary's eyes.

Never having been a Marti, I can only shake my head in amusement. Dust bunnies have whole colonies in my house...
Well done. I could relate very well—my heart is a "Mary" but my mind is a "Martha." Great lesson gently taught.
This is a great modern day version of the story. It made me see even more clearly how much of a Martha I am. You developed the characters very well. Putting these historical, Biblical figures in today's setting makes their personalities very real.
This is great. I could easily see both sisters and the lesson was crystal clear yet pleasant to read.
Excellent modernization of this biblical story