The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Beautiful reminder that things are not always as they seem and a dying world needs to see something different in us. Thanks for putting it so simply.
Great point! Good job and thanks for the reminder.
I could see myself in a couple of these situations. This was a good reminder of how we *should* act according to the scriptures. Wonderfully done.
I really liked this approach--the POV experiment was a great success, and this should give us all second thoughts about our own behaviors.
Very good Pat. I wish my regular work was as good as your experimenting. Enjoyed the writing and the message. God bless.
This definitely moved me, and got me to thinking about myself. This is wonderful - and I definitely agree with Jan - this is a VERY successful experiment!
Very good, and moving. Made me think. Thanks for writing this.
Woo hoo! Love it! So heart-warming and a great encouragement to all of us to be the hands and feet of Jesus - or, of course, His "letter". Beautiful.
Thank you for putting in words the many ways we are living epistles to the world around us. Each of the four vignettes was a small gem, complete with a verse to crown it.

Nice way of wrapping up the entire message at the end. Good reminder to all of us.
I'd experiment, too, IF I could do it this well. :) This is a great piece with reminders we all need. A bit convicting even in places. Well done.
After reading MANY co-writers challenges today - this was the first to bring tears to my eyes and make me FEEL something deep down inside. Thank you! It spells out a great truth! We ARE the Writing of God in action...for those who don't read the Bible. A Terrific read, and a great message!
Your message comes through very clearly, and each mini-scene was powerful. Good writing, and a good reminder.
I loved this! What an excellent way to overcome the flesh but by adhering to the writings of God's Word and being the only "letter" that some folks will ever read from God...Great job!
Wow. That's pretty much all I can say after reading this. So very true and very well written. I liked the different instances and characters. Very inspiring and encouraging. Awesome writing!
Turisms never lose their power but when they are presented as well as you have done here - they soar!

Your first paragraph especially had meaning to me. Thank-you.
I too started to write at a young age. I have not picked up pen and paper for 23 years. I have been saved for 23 years. Demons excorcised, the Spirit has led me to this sight and to start brushing the dust off the quill (keypad). I have played around with a few challenges and am slowly gertting the juices back. I will write only for God's glory! You are an inspiration, a poet, a visonary and a wordsmith.
Thanks and God bless
I too started to write at a young age. I have not picked up pen and paper for 23 years. I have been saved for 23 years. Demons excorcised, the Spirit has led me to this sight and to start brushing the dust off the quill (keypad). I have played around with a few challenges and am slowly gertting the juices back. I will write only for God's glory! You are an inspiration, a poet, a visonary and a wordsmith.
Thanks and God bless