The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1566 times
Member Comments
This has great Irish, mystical charm. Like a fairy tale parable. I liked the name you used too...Shifty and I absolutely loved the last line. Good job!
Now this is a creative story! Deft touch with both dialog and dialect, and a wry smile in every line. Love it.
Good story!
I read through this with bated breath, wondering what as coming - fascinating story with great imagination. Congratulations.
Love the dialogue and colloquial charm of both your characters. Great little tale!
You pulled together all the perfect ingredients for a great Irish Tale.
Excellent! I loved the dialogue, creativity, & everything about it. You have a real gift for realistic dialogue.
Loved this delightful Irish tale.
Your dialogue is simply marvelous. :)
Oh, this is wonderful!! I was riveted to the scene, the characters, the Irish flavor...just great! What skill!!
It has all been said - the dialogues, the characters, the Irish charm - I koved it all.
Great story, great dialogue ... I enjoyed it very much.
Excellent job. Good message, and I loved the Irish touch.
Bravo Dub! I can almost imagine a little boy, sitting at the feet of a beloved Grandparent of Irish descent... Instruction taught via a modern parable about guarding ones soul. Delightful from beginning to end.
A very good moral hidden in this cute little story.
This is a very creative and interesting story by the Dean of the Boards.
Ah! 'Tis the touch o' the Blarney ye have, to be sure! Now I know where you get it all from. The next Guinness is on me! ;)
I could picture everything so vividly and (again!) I loved the dialect. Excellent stuff.
I love stories like this, ones that contain a hidden nugget of wisdom. When reading this you know that there is something more here than just what meets the eye.

I admire your ability to use dialect, it must be innate, because it is not easly learned.

I'm glad you re-posted this so I could enjoy the delightful story.