The Official Writing Challenge
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You expose hypocrisy like a scalpel. There is almost no need for the second to last paragraph. Well done.
Oh, I know people like this! (And I'll admit to being impatient in the grocery store, too). Good job with the inner voice.

You switched tenses a few times, and note the spelling of "impatience" and "patience".

This is one that I'll remember when I'm tapping my foot in the store. Well done.
A very good example of impatience - (note the spelling) and probably hits us all as having been there & done that. Nicely done - just watch your spelling (Patients VS patience) (*.*)!
Did you go to the same store I did? This is an excellent reminder of how we need to be sensitive to the needs of others and to show Christ's love through patience in our daily lives.
*ouch* I am sure this touches a sensitive cord for a lot of people out there...
You do such a great job showing us her impatience and faulty perceptions of others that you don't need to tell us she is misjudging them. Let us see/hear the sadness in the woman's voice and mannerisms in the beginning. This piece is so appropriate and convicting. The ending is important, but it might be a bit overdone in places. Thanks for reminding us what that "small, still voice" that "gentle tug on the heart" is all about. Jesus is such a patient teacher.
Great title! It's good to be reminded how God must feel when we willfully ignore Him.
There's a Don Henley song called "Nobody else in the world but you." which I'm pretty sure he wrote about Dallas traffic. I love the ending and God's comments. Very good writing. And maybe from your misspelling (inpatients) God has it in mind for her to be a nurse?
Ouch! I don't doubt that the Lord has made more than a few similar comments about me. Well done.
Sad but true commentary on how we can often rebuke others, and forget what we we are like. Nice portrayal of this reality.
Ouch! I hate to admit it, but I have taken on this attitude in the past. I think we all have at one time or another.

You gave a good reminder that God tries to use frustrating situations to teach us to be patient, but if we don't listen to Him, then we end up being the ones to miss out and suffer.

If we could all just take a little more time to put ourselves in other people's shoes, then we wouldn't get caught up in this trap.

Great job with this! Thanks for sharing.
Very well done. Check spelling before posting. Good story.
Great job there of convicting impatience--I certainly need more when I'm behind the wheel. Good conclusion too - 'in her mind it is everyone else who is wrong'