The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1318 times
Member Comments
Sorry, but I couldn't help laughing at your unsavory job. You did a great job of describing it and, yes, a good analogy for the messes we all seem to accumulate in our lives. Seems to fit the topic, too. Good work!
I liked your analogy here.
I liked your analogy here.
What a unique analogy - and it really grabbed me. Creative take on the topic.
Analogy and devotional--together
Very good devotional! I feel inspired to get up and clean my house now -- nah! Maybe later:)
Though I have an aversion to cleaning out "real" muck, I can readily see the analogy and the usefulness in the reminder here to keep my "spiritual bed" fresh! What a word picture! Good job getting to the point of this topic.
LOL at first, from the title, I thought it was going to be a story about making a quilt.
Instead, you related a wonderful first person narrative of a horse owner's dilemma. Very, very well done.

We had a poultry farm when I was growing up and had deliveries of truckloads of shavings. Matter of fact, I learnt to ride a bike by steering into the shavings piles. Ahhh soft landing.

Your reminder that the muck in our lives needs cleaning out was excellent. This was a great way of presenting a devotional. You should do it more often, if not for the Challenge, then for your church or a Christian Woman's magazine. Well done!
I love your message here, and I needed to hear this today. What a creative way to make your point. Well done.
Excellent devotional--the paragraph about the "muck in our lives" took me by surprise as I was still engrossed in your tale of wood chips and poop. Great way to slip a lesson in without preaching at us!
Great analogy.
Very well-done devotional, which didn't drag at all. It's always nice when spiritual application is skillfully intertwined with the topic.
I don't envy your job. ;0) This would definitely qualify as a devotional. Nicely done.
Creative with a lesson nicely woven in. LOVE IT!
Heehee, I liked this POV from a horse lover on a job, that...ahem, is so necessary. ^_^ You built up to the ending pretty well. My only note is your first sentence was a tad bit long-as rule of thumb, try reading it in one breath. Also, the 6x was six times, correct? It was a little distracting to see the "x" next to the six, otherwise, good work! ^_^
Your title is soooo clever. I love it. I know about muck boots and bedding, but for a different animal. :) Very nice work on this.