The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1215 times
Member Comments
This is a cute take on the topic. Though most people may tend to think savory means delicious, it technically is about the salt and herb tastes in the foods. By using the verses the way you did you really nailed the topic while at the same time interpreting an important scripture.

My only suggestion would be instead of using taglines like he chuckled (Many professionals discourage that because you can't chuckle and talk simultaneously) nut use these spots as a narrative description that lets the reader see the expressions of the character as well as know who is speaking. An excellent example was when your MC furrowed his brow. Immediately, I get a mental picture and understood that the MC was a tad puzzled.

You did a nice job of setting up the story. I'll admit I was a tad slow on some of your jokes (the vegetarian animals) but once it sunk in, I chuckled out loud. I always appreciate a good sense of humor early in the day to help me start out on a happy foot. Nice job.
I really enjoyed this, you nailed the topic both in their actions and their conversation. While it was a lighthearted read, envisioning two buddies having a fun and “savory” dinner together, the conversation held some serious and informative scriptural truths. Wonderful job on this.
I enjoyed this interesing and well written piece. Nicely done, and an entirely delightful read.

God Bless~
This is written in a light hearted, easy to read and digest style, and the message is delivered in a non-preachy, subtle way without losing impact.

A clever take on the topic too. It gave me food for thought!

I love the catchy title and the ending.Great job!
This was a well-written entry that I felt flowed quite nicely. The informative way you brought this topic alive was unique. Just to let you know about "throwing a brick," there is a forum called "How to Throw a Brick" which until I read it, I had the same problem as you. It really is quite easy. If I may be of further help to you in that regard, just PM me and I'll give you the info to get you where you want to be next "brick throwing" time. Again, I very much enjoyed your entry.
This was a well-written entry that I felt flowed quite nicely. The informative way you brought this topic alive was unique. Just to let you know about "throwing a brick," there is a forum called "How to Throw a Brick" which until I read it, I had the same problem as you. It really is quite easy. If I may be of further help to you in that regard, just PM me and I'll give you the info to get you where you want to be next "brick throwing" time. Again, I very much enjoyed your entry.
This was a well-written entry that I felt flowed quite nicely. The informative way you brought this topic alive was unique. Just to let you know about "throwing a brick," there is a forum called "How to Throw a Brick" which until I read it, I had the same problem as you. It really is quite easy. If I may be of further help to you in that regard, just PM me and I'll give you the info to get you where you want to be next "brick throwing" time. Again, I very much enjoyed your entry.
Sorry 'bout that; but it is after 1:00 a.m. and I guess I got trigger happy!
A most enjoyable and humorous read yet with many good messages based on salt. Trust a man to have a paper napkin from an earlier meal still in his pocket!
I really like the way you are able to bring everyday items and situations and bring them back to "prove" the Written Word. It points out how God is all around us, all the time and all we need do is look out and with humbled thoughts - see.
You have great analogies here in this very interesting story.
A theological discussion over a table of food! This is a well written piece suitable for apologetics with much to digest within the story.

Another win and counting!

God bless~
Congrats my friend on a well deserved 3rd place ribbon!
Congrats my friend! Good job Noel! :)
YAY! Good on yer mate. Congratulations!
Congratulations for ranking 3rd in your level and 15 overall! HAPPY DANCE!
Congratulations on your 3rd place Noel. Well done!