The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I really enjoyed this. You set up the first conflict nicely and had me curious about why the meal hadn't gone as well as expected. Then you threw in another conflict. I really enjoyed what I call "special I love yous" from Jesus but others may say coincidence. So much planning had to go just right for that special moment to happen. She had to go for a walk at the right time and grabbed the wrong keys. Even the dog bulked a bit giving her those few extra seconds for her daughter to spot her, had the timing been off just a bit, the opportunity would have been lost and I could go on and on. It baffles my mind that amidst the chaos, so many well-planned "coincidences" happen. Of course we know the truth but I don't understand how everyone doesn't see it.
I enjoyed this story and it certainly held my attention throughout. Good messsage, especially at the end.
God Bless~
It's always a challenge for us to take time away from our routines to pause for a little while to rest and catch up with a friend on someone else. Yes, God leads in ways we sometimes cannot comprehend, and if we just pay a little attention to the still small voice, we may just discover the purpose behind why we are where we are when we are not doing the usual.

An excellent written piece and enjoyable read! God bless.


God bless~
Congrats Wilma! Good job!
Unplanned, but not short of God's blessing. Good heart-warming material. Ciongrats on your HC.