The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1664 times
Member Comments
Oh, I love this story but what happened to the rest of the kids? ergh. Must know more!
I was carried away into Henning's humble, war-torn world. Every detail carries meaning - masterful writing, and a subtle but strong "wow".
Oh, I like this. Very out of the box. :) Great job with characterization.
You always have the ability to transport me to another land, in another time. This is a beautiful story and your MC, Henning, touched my heart. Love this!
Very touching story and I was also carried away into this world. Nice!!
This was a very touching story. Interesting characters and descriptions. Wonderful!
I would definitely like to see this continue. This story made me feel so appreciative for my childhood through the entire read. Loved your following description:
Gaunt-faced, the children huddled at their desks like a listless, colourless sea without a ripple of ambition.
How can I say this teared me up without sounding like I need to go fishing or something? Anyway, great emotion and discriptions. I was riveted to the page. I like the reference to Canada, but wondered at first why you had to go south for cowboys, but you got me with the Allied armies entrance at the end. Most excellent! God bless.
This story pulls at the emotions, and reads like a scene in a movie. Well done.
Somethings simply transcend language. You've told so sell how one word is able to do that.
In my riding history I've often been taught that a horse's favorite word is whoa. After reading your article, I get an even better understanding of just why that might be.
This captivated me from the beginning to the very last word.
What a tender story, so touching. Well done!
What a wonderfully original take on the topic! The details really made me feel for this child caught in the devastation of World War II... and gave me hope that he would have a better future. Very well done!
This story is very descriptive and well-told. It reminds me of reading books like "The Hiding Place." The devestation and fear that those people lived in, yet the hope that some of them (especially the Christians) still possessed.

This is a wonder to read. Whoa! :)
Amazing! Loved everything about this piece - you captured everything beautifully.
I love the depth you have touched with such an economy of verbage. The word picture of the houses - "gaps in a toothless smile" conveys such irony to me, and I loved the gentleness of your wrap-up.
Fabulous writing. I was drawn right in.
The MC was wonderfully portrayed...being careful about food talk and also teaching the kids about cowboys. So heartbreaking and realistic.

You raise the bar, Ann.
As always, your writing is huge master strokes. This is a wonderful story.
Nice! I liked this kid, he's got pluck and the repeated line of the "bang, bang" added some suspense to it. I loved the ending--a favorite of mine this week! ^_^
You did a wonderful job of showing the effects of wounded innocence, and the magic of a little hope here and kindness there.
Things taken for granted like tea, soap and onions...
The story is indeed interesting and shows hope in a hopeless time.

Just like a scene right out of a great movie. Great job.
Ann, I was happy to see this on the EC list! Congrats!
Great writing, loved the story, the descriptions, the subtleties...awesome. Congrats on your EC.