The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Fantastic. Riveting. I couldn't wait to read more. There are so many implications in this: life is suddenly worth living if you have relationships. It was as if the Rapture had happened with everyone springing back to life. Your piece is a springboard to many more thoughts, the same feeling I had when I watched, "Back to the Future." That is the hallmark of an excellent writer. Well done. Congratulations!
Very well done!
Wonderful--a roller coaster ride of hope and despair, but finally settling on hope, even serenity. Love the complexity of the relationship between the two resurrected women, and the possibility of kindness even in the direst of futures.
I liked this. Ever read "Doorway into Summer" by Robert Heinlein? My favourite SF story up till now. This is an improvement on that concept of the "long sleep." Excellent dialogue.
Wow (I say that a lot on your stories, Ann). Your description and characterization AND sense of place are excellent. Absolutely intriguing.
This is great! A strange and unusual setting and definitely the makings of something more here! I love the character of Laura, she is so real and easy to relate to. Love the bit of humor in the end where she meets Catherine. Excellent writing! I enjoyed this. ^_^
An interesting window into the future! there are so many contrasts in the story that it makes for an intersting read.
Great story. It is exciting to think that when we are resurrected into a new life, there will be no tears of regret, only the bliss of a future with a loving Father and Brother.
Since science fiction is not my favorite genre, it's rare that I find a story that I wish would continue. I'd keep reading yours and Ray Bradbury's. How's that for good company!
Very good science fiction piece. Well written.
This was an awesome entry for the Sci Fi! I am speechless. Great writing.
Good job bringing a human-ness to your story. Have to wonder what the world really looks like outside their windows....
Super. What a concept!
How about I just bow and give you a standing O.
God bless.
Like an actor in a play I have to say this hit all the right marks. I don't usually get Sci Fi, but this was something special!
This was profound..and was profoundly awesome :)