The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
The ending made me teary, but then I smiled -- all in one paragraph!
Very sweet piece, and done very well. Thanks for sharing and teaching each of us the good news of having something we can do.
Oh, how I wish all of the little girls could hold this concept in their hearts as they age. Females seem to get low self-esteem as they grow up and it creates such a problem in thier lives. This story expresses the need for self-acceptance. God doesn't make junk.....and neither do we. Thanks for the reminder.
You showed great work and told a story with a needed message. Very nicely done!
Great storytelling, great story. Well done... and yeah, I misted up too!
A beautiful message in a beautiful story. A gentle reminder of how our Father feels about us. A real blessing to read first thing in the morning! ;)
So sweet! What a realistic, heartwarming portrait of these two!
This is such a nice story and I absolutely LOVE the ending. I like the way you just hinted at mom's illness and made the child and her bead necklace the focus of this story. Thanks for sharing it
I always like to read stories about children. God's precious gift. Like the way this little girl got her emotional healing.
How tender and sweet! Having raised two little girls myself, I can say that this little one's voice is authentic--I could just picture her.

I'm not sure why the dialog is in italics--usually italics is reseved for thoughts, or for emphasis. A teesny bit distracting.

I love the mother-daughter relationship portrayed here.
I always love a "feel good" story! I felt that mother's tension rise for her little darling in ways I can relate. What a wonderful lesson she taught her child. Great job! Jo
Sweet and tender, full of relational dynamics. I could identify with both the mother and little girl - both of them wanting so much, both needing to be heard and influence others (in their own ways). Nicely done!
You presented a sweet way to get a truth across to a little girl. This may have worked well in present tense too.
If all parents could be as encouraging to their children as what you've so well-written here, what a different and far better world this would be!
So sweet! I love the mother-daughter interaction, especially the touch of a handmade necklace. Great writing!
Great job, you made what could have been a so-so story into one that is soooo special. Excellent. God bless.