The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a very creative piece. Keep up your writing!
Creative and seems as if you are great with descriptions and writing imagery.
I like science fiction, and this piece was certainly good. I liked to see the grumpy supreme commander let down again by the soldier she’d just yelled at, but was glad he didn’t manage to cheat the lottery either. Can I just ask; why did the deliveryman have a fish in his ear?
Lots of interesting characters. :) But, I wasn't sure if Dent was another character, or if Dent was another name for Bling?
Oops, sorry. I meant another name for Bingle. :)
Very creative entry - I'm sure you had a blast writing it. Gave me the giggles several times.
Wow, what a creative imagination you have! I loved this.
This kind of creativity always leaves me baffled! But you make it look so easy, and presented it in a humorous and entertaining way! Great writing.
Lynne, your creativity shines so brightly that it is easy to forget that there is a proverb tucked in here subtly. Nice work.
Wow, this is so off the charts creative that I couldn't even begin to make any suggestions. You packed so much in this piece that it seemed like way more than 750 words. Well done!
I would hope that I could someday achieve this kind of imagination in my writing. A very cool story with great descriptions.
Thanks for providing the melody for the song at the beginning! I'd have liked several more lines of that--it was fun!
Impressive imagination. Keep on fizzing, er, writing!
So imaginative and creative! I enjoyed the characters and the dialogue. My only bit of red ink is the same as the previous commenter: I wasn't sure who Dent was! Other than that, it's fun and enormously witty.
Great action and charm, esp your main character, keep up the good words.
Oooh. This is fun. I'm reading it for the Allusion...and enjoying it because it's really, really good and so creative! I loved the bit with "I am supreme commander, I order you to give it to me!" lol. Too funny! ^_^