The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Aw, this is precious! I love this Aunt Bonnie character--she's a hoot! Excellent on topic as well. Great job!
One of my absolute favorites this week! Well done my FaithWriter friend.
Good job! Loved that the girls took Aunt Bonnie, chair and all, into the kitchen. Sometimes the elderly just need loveable coaxing.
I LOVE all three characters- your characterization is wonderful. My favorite, though, is definitely Carrie. What a hoot! Just fun and delightful reading.
Awwww, shucks... this is such a good story.... I loved how they overlooked Aunt Bonnie's rude ways and brought her some "SON"shine any way. I loved the repetition of "HORSE FEATHERS". Thanks to your story, I will now add it to my vocabulary. :-)
What a neat way to get their Aunt involved in the holiday. Very engaging. I could picture the two sliding her rocker into the kitchen. The only that seemed a little out of place to me was when you said she had a "bird's eye view" and she is sitting in a rocker. I usually think of a bird's eye view as looking from above something. Otherwise, I really enjoyed this touching tale. Thanks for sharing!
Charming and easy-going with a very satisfying finale.
Interestingly, I couldn't decide the age of the two nieces, whether they were in their early 20s or late 40s! Either way, a delightful picture
Great reminder to keep after the aged members of our families and not just let them rot in their recliners, even if it's their choice. Wonderful story.
How do you do it? Pack so much fun into one little story, that is? I could just see these women pushing/dragging their aunt kicking and screaming into the kitchen. I like how she eventually softened up...a little.
You developed all three characters marvelously and made me love each of them. Great story!
Horse feathers! I loved it! You had me laughing with the "girls" at Aunt Bonnie's plucky attitude.
Great story! Nice work on the topic.
I love this line.....To say she isn’t feisty would be like saying there are no fish in the ocean. This is a cute story about how everyone needs to feel needed and loved. Great job.
Loved this! A very fun read!
Love the title. I also love how they made this "scrooge" of an aunt start to come around and enjoy the holidays. Fun story, and I appreciate you sharing it.