The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was a lot of fun. I loved your last line.
Cute story showing a lot of determination on the bride's part. One spelling error--you meant petals, not pedals.
Ahahahaha!! You caught her attitude perfectly and finished it with aplomb :)
A delightful and fun read!!
Okay..."Becky Mackeyhackey" long did it take to come up with this name? !! It's great! I enjoyed so many of your phrases like "post-eruption volcano". Then having "Bobby's Flying Barbeque" and "pigs with wings" on the napkins... There was so much fun in your entry. Oh...and I believe Becky and Boyd were on topic. :)
This would make a really delightful comedy show.
Ha Ha! I like this line:
“I got plenty of the banana cream on here, ‘cause I know that makes your tummy-wummy happy.”
A fun read.
Cute! A girl's perfect day HAS to have a happening or two to make it more memorable! LoL. Fun.
LOL! It wouldn't be memorable without a few hitches. I'm glad the groom was understanding.
Good writing.
What fun! Some really great descriptions in here. I enjoyed this very much.
Oh, my goodness, what a perfect disaster! Any normal bride would have a good cry over this!!!! You painted a great picture, and your ending was just icing on the cake! :)
Perfectly funny and fun! Poor bride-nothing ever goes the way it should, does it? Brides-to-be should read this story; then their own NEARLY perfect days can be put into perspective!
From start to finish, from disaster to disaster, you had me laughing. Becky Mackeyhackey... that is just priceless.

You have a wonderful way with words Sheri!

I hope they are going to be living a looooog looong way from the M-I-L.
This just makes me laugh and laugh, especially the last name, and of course, the pig napkins. Great last line, too! Very funny stuff.
Oh, this is entertaining and great message, too. Love the bride's voice.
Hilarious! Great job.
Appreciation to the wonderful thoughtful groom, I liked him the best.
Aww. I feel a bit bad for her for everything to just whack out so bad, but I'm glad her new hubby is able to look past it and help her keep it together! The last line was just perfect for this piece! (and the twist with rancid banana cream was one I wasn't expecting!) Good job. ^_^