The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Fun story! Too cool.
Very interesting story. I enjoyed it.
That would be so freaky! Good story.
Oh, this is a fun read. My kind of Sci-fi. Great writing!
"Sci-fi" is not my cup of tea, but "Twilight Zone" definitely is! Only a couple boo-boos (lying, not laying) that a teensy bit of editorial work will fix and you have a winner in my book.
I can hear the Twilight Zone music as I finish reading this one. A true Sci Fi gem!
Very intruiging story! Like Calvin, I don't have a clue as to what actually happened to him, but I sure enjoyed reading about it! :D
What fun! I like the echoes of Matthew 25 in the lady's longest speech. I felt breathless at the end, like poor Calvin.
Freaky - in a good way. Gave me goosebumps. Wonderful job of pulling the reader in.
How fun! I love how you use dialect and dialog to help describe the person who is talking.
Hummm! Great story. Very out of the box.
This is the kind of sci fi I can relate to. Very entertaining read, and a good messge, too.
Hmmm, I like the twist here, when he falls into the back of the car and keeps falling. The real kicker was when he was talking to the lady and she was rattling off a whole list of his 'good deeds'. This read just like a dream too good to be true. Very much enjoyed by this reader. Thanks for sharing.
I've already commented, but now that I know whose it is, I just wanted to tell you that it's one of my favorites of yours!
I really liked all the unexpected twists and turns in your story. It kept my attention from beginning to end!
Scary at first, but ending with a good pov.
Got a little confused in the middle but that was probably just my blondness showing through. This was cool. I like how it all "came together" in the end. Let me know when the screen play for this is finished:)
Intriguing.... was it a dream? was it real?
Intriguing.... was it a dream? was it real?
Intriguing.... was it a dream? was it real?
I knew I had been missing out on something this week. Well don, Dub. Impressive. God bless.
Great message.
I really enjoyed this!