The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very well written, however I had a question throughout; how does one know that a nun has silver-blue hair? I always thought they wore habits (I think they're called) that cover their heads. A very minor thing, but I kept wondering about that all the way through my read. Non-fiction is this readers choice - so thoroughly enjoyed the read.
Delightful story! A memorable teacher indeed! I definitely enjoyed this very much.
Cute, well-written story. Poor upside-down Brigid!
Great title, and super visual!
This is cute. This teacher had a handle on making a lesson stick, didn't she? Well written.
What an amazing story! You shared an image that your readers may not soon forget as well. You also had some very nice descriptions: crinkled nose, coke-bottle glasses, and “Mary Poppins” handbag. Good job!
What I liked - Terrific and funny and awesome descriptions of the teacher! I loved the scene with her blowing her nose! I could see every detail down to her purse and horrid shoes.
What I might change - nothing at all cause this absolutely flowed - good pace. I never got bored once!!
This was amusing and enjoyable. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful tale.
THe title drew me in and the substance didn't disappoint. You have a great eye for detail and abiity to communicate it.
Ha! Poor girl! I'm sure SHE never forgot how to invert fractions either! Loved your descriptive phrases throughout. Good work.