The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 4455 times
Member Comments
This is absolutely hilarious. Great job.
Excellent. One of the best I've read this week. Thanks for the laughs.
This is priceless - I can't help but wonder where the insights have come from. Experience or observations. Never-the-less, this is a keeper.
I loved the humorous progression of this poem--and the last line had me literally laughing out loud.
This must have been a fun one to write. I applaud the creativity of this one and hope to see it in the high rankings.
Loved what I would call progressive hilarity. I began to smile and wound up laughing out loud, or lol, as the abbreviation goes. Great job!
This was so clever and funny. I was smiling during the whole read!
Grinning ear to ear! I only wish this poem were longer - I felt cheated on a couple of days. ;) (And you couldn't be more on-topic.)
Oh, I hope this one wins! It's perfect, nothing else to say! Love it!
Lived through the week with Mr and Mrs. just pure fun. Very well done, indeed.

It's scary seeing what one could become in the years ahead. Delightfully funny writing.
Poor guy! I feel sorry for him....never was a handyman, eh?
This is darling. I think it's true sometimes, too. I chuckled out loud at the last line. Well done.

I loved the first verse and began to love each next verse better. I don't know how you do it! This is a winner for me!
Super, creative, and a definite winner in my book! Well done!
Oh, this is delightful! Had me laughting all "week."
This was absolutely wonderful in every way... delightful, hilarious, and oh, so true. Exceptional!!
Oh, my...this was priceless! Each stanza built up to the last, which was absolutely perfect. Excellent!
FANTASTIC! I think I have to print this one up and post it on my fridge. So many lines I loved... the pungent fish... the check engine light... the bump on the poor boy's head... the Eight O'Clock. You have an incredible talent for poetry dear, really, really. It just doesn't get much better than this.
I see "First Place" written all over this one! What a delightful piece! So typical of your writings, too!!! Kudos!
Woo Hoo, special friend! Well deserved EC!
Very nice, Beth! I really enjoyed it and congrats on the EC! This one will make people smile for sure.
Ha ha ha! Iloved this line:
"But read the pattern upside-down—
Knit sleeves into her sock!"
My dear hubby better not touch my knitting!
I love your poems, Bethy!
Beth, you just keep gettin' better and better.
Precious! What talent you have! Congratulations on your EC!
I loved this. Each stanza was funnier than the one before it. I, too, was laughing heartily by the end. How many poor women suffering through their husband's retirement would be able to identify with the wife in this poem? Quite a few, I would suppose. Congrats on your HC and EC. Thank you as well for your kind words about my entry.
This is so much fun, Beth! I love it! Unfortunately, I can see this happening with me and my spouse!
This is so much fun, Beth! I love it! Unfortunately, I can see this happening with me and my spouse!
This should be read at every retirement party!!! Absolutely sensational!!