The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1191 times
Member Comments
Ohhhh, a mystery! The lesson is right on. Well done.
Oh so creative and engaging. Love the idea, and the message here. Wonderful voice too. Great stuff!
Great suspense, but with a lesson built in, too. I love it!
This is so good, I don't know where to begin. I love a mystery, and this is spooky. Of course, you hooked this reader completely. And, you worked in such a wonderful message along with the MC's shifting emotions that it all felt chillingly real. And, I loved the ending. Sure would like to know how The Voice did what he did!
I thought at the beginning it was going to be a God thing... but wow... it was really frightening. Especially as you know someone who actually has this happening. Sheesh.
Oh my goodnes! Go ahead and scare me to death! This was a great story and I was glued to my screen! You're good! Kudos!
What a powerful story. Your conversations were so real that I felt that I, too, was "eavesdropping". :)
What an eerie story but also an amazing one, too! Thanks for sharing...
The suspense, the eerieness, the message--all just right.
Oh my. This gave me goosebumps. Made me actually look over my shoulder before typing this. Wow. What a story. There is so much inside of here, really awesome writing. The details, the characters and the message. just wow. ^_^
What a scary situation! Makes for a good story though! Good job in the telling.
What an impact of a lesson! Mysterious and intriguing. God using a mystery caller, to stop one from gossiping... AND to encourage others.. wow!
Whoa! This sent chills down my spine. How creepy, and yet the ending was awesome. I liked the moral of the story. God is always watching us, so we need to be careful what we speak. Excellent story!