The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I'm sorry, I'm a little slow this morning and don't quite get the reference to the new law that now forced these people to become criminals. Other than that little doubt, this is a chilling, but well told story.
Powerful...simply powerful.

God bless,

Powerful, sobering and written in a way that can only make one stop and ask how could this have ever happened. But it did and hopefully, and by God's grace, it will never be repeated.
It is truly frightening to imagine that we are this close to a repeat of history, but I fear you are right on target. This would have drained me, too. This felt extremely realistic and accurate. An amazingly vivid and frightening cautionary tale for all of us.
Very well done, bringing your reader into the heart of a survivor of a horrendous period of history. We don't have to look far to discover similar "pc" rhetoric in today's world, silencing the fearful and emboldening promoters of evil. Thank God for the eyewitnesses and their hearers who keep telling the important stories!
What a chilling and vivid account. Scarey because it happened, and it happened so many times! One of the things to never forget...You put us there listening to Poppy. wow!